
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Weekend

Okay, so this post was supposed to be up on Monday, right after Christmas. Things did not go as planned though when my computer crashed (for the third time in a few months). Here we are a few days later all fixed up and with a brand new laptop! Let's call it an unexpected but necessary late Christmas present to myself. Moving on with the Christmas recap... because it has to be documented of course! Better late than never. 

Can you believe Christmas is already over? The whole month of December just flew by despite my efforts to slow down and enjoy every moment. Justin and I had a very Merry Christmas. It being the first Christmas we are married made it just that more special! We spent Christmas Eve at home opening our gifts to each other and celebrating with Justin's family. His side of the family gets together every year for dinner and gifts and sometimes do a theme. This year the theme was Tacky and a few people sure did go all out! I felt it would only be appropriate to have a photo booth if the theme was tacky so I used some leftover wrapping paper and got to work. J's dad cooked a low country boil for dinner that was of course just delicious. The night was just perfect! Sorry for the picture overload that is about to happen!

Can you say best dressed family award?! Not pictured are the Santa red pants and the remainder of Carlee's one piece red jumpsuit. Hilarious..

 How many people can you fit on one couch?!

Christmas morning Justin and I were up and on the road early heading to my parent's for the remainder of the weekend. Mom had the house beautifully decorated as always and prepared a mouth watering brunch including her famous tomato gravy (that I am determined to learn how to make this year). Christmas night my sister and I invited our two best friends over which has become a tradition the past few years. Now everyone has husbands/ boyfriends in the picture so we had some boys joining in on the fun also! (; I'm not quite sure they could handle all of the girl talk/wine but don't worry- we will break them in!

 Henson has the best grandparents ever! He was gifted his very own personalized tote bag. Yes, he is spoiled rotten

 Yay for matching jackets! My mom, sister and I all have the same jacket in a different color. 

As a joke we gave my dad and Justin a pair of very, very VERY large briefs as a gift. HA! 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

DIY Christmas Golf Ball Ornaments

I just LOVE homemade gifts! It shows that someone put their thought and time into making something just for you. We all know there is never enough time in the day as is! My creative sister came up with the cutest homemade gift idea for the golf lover in your life. She made the most adorable golf ball Christmas ornaments decorated, some as Santa and some as a snowman. I tell you, she is the queen of homemade, thoughtful and creative. I convinced her to share the how to with you all because they really aren't that difficult and turned out adorable. They are also a great way to use up the hundreds of unused golf balls laying around!

You will need several golf balls (don't use expensive ones because you will be painting them anyway), small and large picture hanging hooks, acrylic paint and accessories of your choice for hats (thin fabric, felt, pom poms, etc), a hot glue gun and string. 

The how to:
1. Paint golf balls white and let dry. 
2. Screw in the picture hanging hook to the top of the ball. You can use a screwdriver and a screw to break through the hard outer shell and then finish screwing in hook by hand. This is the hardest step but still not that bad. 

3. Paint the balls the design of your choosing. Ginny did a decorative one, a Santa and a snowman but the possibilities are endless! I'm currently begging her to make me a chocolate lab with a Santa hat on it. How cute would that be! 

4. Add last minute accessories such as hats made out of fabric or felt. The snowman hats can be found pre-made at Hobby Lobby. 

these aren't finished yet but I can already tell they will be adorable! 

Can you believe Christmas in only three days away?! I certainly cannot! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas cards and festivities

One of these days I am going to get back to blogging regularly. With work slowing down a [tiny] bit maybe today will be the day! 

I have a confession to make... I may be the crazy girl that had our Christmas card picked out and ordered about two months ago. I just LOVE all that Christmas brings and can't wait to get things started. Our cards sat addressed and ready to go for over a month just waiting for the day after Thanksgiving to mail them. I LOVE the way this year's card turned out.. with wedding pictures it was such an easy process! 

This weekend Justin and I traveled to Reidsville to kick off my Christmas break with my family and to see some hometown friends. The weekend flew by with several holiday parties and spending time with friends. The food has been heavy and the wine has been flowing. My diet has to start NOW. Not a bad problem to have though right?!

A few weekends ago we hosted a Tacky Sweater party that never made it to the blog. So here ya go! ..the infamous tacky sweater party that is always way too much fun. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Five on Friday!

Happy Friday friends!  I'm linking up today for Five on Friday with DARCICHRISTINALIZ, and NATASHA

Fri-YAY!! As my students like to call it. This particular Friday I am extra excited because I am on the way to see one of my best friends get married!! I am a bridesmaid which means I have lots of fun events this weekend: her bridesmaid brunch, rehearsal dinner, wedding, AND a bridesmaid brunch for another friend on Sunday. I am in two weddings in the month of October. Busy but so exciting month for me! Let's get down to business shall we.. 

Let's talk shampoo. I am a Tresemme girl. It's not expensive, my hair responds well to it. I've never had a problem with it so I keep using it to save money here and there. With that being said sometimes I like to switch it up and treat myself to something different that cost a little more. I was browsing in Ulta and decided to purchase a bottle of Rusk which I had never used before but wanted to try out. I paid the $19 it cost and went on my way. I headed straight to TJ Maxx which happens to be next door to our Ulta to look around. While I was there I decided to look at there hair products (which normally I bypass as I beeline to the home section) I kid you not, in the home section was the EXACT same bottle of shampoo I had just purchased for half the price. $9.. that's it. UH! Oh well, now I know. What kind of shampoo do you swear by?

No judgements aloud here. I may or may not have already picked out and ordered our Christmas card for this year. I've even already received notification that it has shipped. You better believe I will be waiting by the mailbox every day until it arrives!! I know Christmas will be here before you know it and I can't wait!! I just love all of the buildup! 

As a result of the rain we had last weekend we were dismissed from school early Friday, stuck at home all weekend and out of school Monday and Tuesday. That left LOTS of free time for me. I got work related things done, watched my fair share of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix and had time to do some deep cleaning. I discovered the way to make cleaning baseboards fun. Seriously, don't believe me? Try it! Poor a preferably large glass of wine, (Apothic Red being my choice) blast your pandora loud and get to cleaning and sipping. You will be done in no time! (: Your welcome. 

I can't believe my friend Maghan is getting married!! I truly could not be happier for her. I met Maghan my freshman year at ECU and fell in love immediately. She is a true southern belle that you can't help but love. She was also my "big" in ZTA and became a lifelong friend. Her and Charlie are a match made in Heaven. I can't wait to celebrate with them!! 


Is this the year of booties or am I just late to the game? I've always preferred taller boots like my riding boots and cowboy boots but this year I am crushing hard on these adorable booties!! 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bedroom Inspiration

Our bedroom is one area of the house that could really use some work. We have only been in our house just over a year and have been doing a little bit at a time. It has come A LONG way but of course as with any home there is still a ton to do! I would love to get our bedroom fixed up pretty soon. Right now there are zero pictures on the wall (other than our married monogram above the bed) because I am one of those types that will for no reason what so ever put a nail in the wall until I am absolutely sure about what to put there. We have this awkward space between the bed and the wall that I think would be perfect for a pretty arm chair or maybe even a desk. I am the most indecisive person ever so it takes lots of pinning, dreaming and planning for me to make a move. (: Here are some of my inspiration pictures for our bedroom. 

I have a thing for fabric headboards. We don't have one at the moment. We are using a wooden sleigh which I also love but this is just so soft looking. 

..swoon. YES, please!! 

It looks so airy and peaceful... totally my style! 

I would love to add a full length mirror beside a chair or bench

Did you notice a pattern? I obviously love light blue, white and neutral colors. Our bedroom was put on hold while we got the living room, dining room and guest rooms up and running. Now I think it's finally time to make our room just as cozy as the rest of the house! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pre-I do: Wedding Recap

THE START OF THE BEST DAY EVER!! I get giddy just thinking back to our wedding day. The day started off bright and early heading to our wedding venue. The downstairs area had a bridal suite that we got ready in. We had coffee and biscuits in the morning and then made the switch to sandwiches and mimosas a little later in the day. I always knew that mimosas and good food would be a must on my wedding morning ;) All of the bridesmaids and I took turns having our hair fixed and doing our makeup. It was relaxing and so fun to soak in those last few moments with my best friends. It didn't take much to make me tear up that day but thankfully every tear was followed by a laugh. I think I perfected the "cry laugh" (:

I love these girls!! 

Justin surprised me with this gorgeous pendant that is a family heirloom. He had the sweetest hand written note to go along with it. Oh, how the tears flowed. That man of mine, so sweet! 

I did not do a first look with Justin so I thought doing one with my dad would be fun. I'm so glad I did. The pictures are priceless! Smiles, then tears... that was the theme that day!

One thing I knew I wanted to do was pray with the whole bridal party before the ceremony. Justin and I stood on either side of the door so to not see each other and everyone held hands. This was SUCH a special moment that I will forever cherish! 

 self explanatory ;) Last minute sip to calm the nerves! 

In case you want to catch the other wedding recaps you can here: