
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Weekend Recap: Girls Weekend

Once a year if not more I get together with friends and my mom and sister for a girls weekend. The group always consist of my mom and sister, my moms best friend and her daughter which is also one of my life long friends and then another lifelong best friend that is like family (and now Anna Claire!). This year we had a special reason to get together and celebrate because one of the girls, Caroline, is getting married!! She also brought one of her bridesmaids which made the weekend even more special. We always have the best time when we get together catching up, making tons of good food, enjoying coffee on the porch in the morning that turns into wine on the porch in the evening, playing games and getting in tons of laughs. The weekend started on Friday with a slow morning full of coffee because it was raining so not much to do. By early afternoon we decided to head to a local winery since it didn't look like the sun was going to come out for any beach time. That night the moms made us the best appetizers and dinner and we enjoyed some drinks and played games in honor of the bride to be. I made a bridal jeopardy that ended up being so much fun!  

Saturday, after lots of coffee and a yummy breakfast Caroline opened some wedding gifts we surprised her with and then the girls headed to the beach and me and Anna Claire stuck around the house so she could nap and I could get a little reading in. (I can't wait for next summer when she can enjoy beach days!) That night we all got dressed up, had a little happy hour on the porch and then headed out to dinner. 

Sunday we had another slow morning at home (those are seriously the best!) and grabbed lunch on the water before everyone made the drive home. It was the best weekend. I am so thankful I get to do life with each of these ladies! 

Friday, July 20, 2018

5 on Friday

I can't believe it's already Friday... this week flew by! I didn't manage to get any post up this week so I thought I would tell you five things we have been up to. 

One. I wish I could say this week flew by and I didn't get any post up because I was so busy but the truth is we have spent most of the week in our pajamas catching up on reading and not doing much of anything other than hanging out. I use the Medela app on my phone to keep track of feedings and it has decided to remind me that I start work back in a little over three weeks. I almost want to quit using the app just so I don't have to be reminded of the fact I'm going to have to leave my little girl so soon! I can hardly even think about it. On the other hand I really miss having a reason to get dressed everyday and miss feeling productive and using my brain outside of the house so I am excited to get back to work. I truly love teaching first grade... I just wish I could take Anna Claire with me. HA

Two. After seeing several of Christina's post about grilled pizza we decided to try it and they were delicious! I can't wait to try them again because we didn't quite spread the dough out enough and overcooked them a tad so I know they will be even better next time. 

Three. I have several outfits from when I was a little girl and several from when Justin's cousin was born. It is so sweet to see Anna Claire wearing clothes that have been passed down from so long ago! 

ps.. who else made the switch from Snapchat stories to instagram stories?! When Snapchat updated I switched and haven't looked back. Wanna follow me? You can find me @acutrell15 ..I keep my account private but I always except other bloggers aka anyone who doesn't look crazy.. haha

Four. Last weekend my mom and I slipped off to Wilmington for the day to go to the Farmers Market, eat lunch on the riverfront and walk around downtown. It was so hot but we still had a blast pushing AC around in the stroller and taking some photo ops! We ended up parking on the same street that I got married so I had to take a picture in front of our venue. I wish Justin had been there for the picture! 

Five. Love this post from the Beaufort Bonnet Company. How true it is! 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

No Bake Oatmeal Protein Energy Balls

I've been working hard to eat healthier meals and workout lately trying to loose the last little bit of pregnancy weight. For me the hardest part of the day to stick to healthy habits are when I'm wanting a snack. Especially that three to four o clock time when you are just tired and don't want anything that "healthy". That's where these no bake oatmeal protein energy balls have come in handy for me this week! They are super easy to make, easy to eat on the go and are delicious. 

1 1/2 cups  rolled oats
1/2 cup  vanilla whey protein powder
1/2 tsp  cinnamon
1 T  chia seeds
1/2 cup  smooth peanut butter
3 T  honey
1 tsp  vanilla extract
1/3  cup chocolate chips (or raisins, craisins, coconut flakes, etc)
2-4  T  liquid.. can use water, milk, almond milk, etc. I used water on this batch

Stir to combine oats, protein powder, cinnamon, chia seeds, peanut butter, honey and vanilla. Add chocolate chips. Mixture should be sticky but not crumbly. Slowly add liquid one tablespoon at a time. Using hands combine until it comes together in a sticky ball. If mixture is dry add more liquid but not too much that it won't stick. Roll into balls.. the size I did made about 17 balls. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Store in the fridge until ready to eat. Enjoy!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Weekend Recap

We had a very fun and exciting weekend that included being part of an engagement! Justin was off work Friday and had some friends in town so we dropped Anna Claire off with family and headed to the beach for the day. It was so nice to get some sun, relax and catch up with friends! That night we had everyone and their kids back to our house for dinner. Justin grew up with all of the guys that were here and now everyone has kids so it is so fun to see all of them with their babies! On Saturday we headed to Bald Head Island for the day. If you haven't ever been it is such a fun little island to visit! You have to take a ferry there and once you arrive no cars are aloud. You get around on a golf cart or bike.. it's so fun! Justin's brother was visiting Bald Head Island and planning to propose. Our whole family and his now finance's whole family went to surprise her. She said YES! We all went out to dinner afterward and had the best time celebrating the new bride and groom to be! 

yay for a sister in law! 

On Sunday we went to church and then relaxed at home before heading to game night at a friends house. We have a group of friends that we rotate houses for a game night one to two times a month. Whoever host that time cooks a meal and we play games- normally clue but this time we played Jenga. The winner gets to take our sombrero home (that we actually won on a group trip to Mexico once). It is always such a good time! That's a wrap on our busy weekend. I'm ready for a quiet day at home today to catch up on laundry and get little Anna Claire back on her nap schedule! 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Fourth of July

We had a wonderful Fourth of July and I hope you did as well! This year things looked a little different since we couldn't head out to the beach or on the boat because of it being just too hot for Anna Claire. We ended up having family over to our house to grill burgers and go swimming. It worked out perfect because we were able to keep Anna Claire inside most of the time while everyone  else was in and out. We spent the whole day enjoying each others company, swimming, grilling burgers and hot dogs and eating a million chocolate covered strawberries. We let Anna Claire get in the pool for the first time and she absolutely loved it! I thought she would probably scream but since the water was so warm I think it felt like bath water to her. She was so adorable!! Of course I took a million pictures to document it. By late afternoon over half of our crew spread out around the house for a little cat nap then rallied to go watch the fireworks that night. I was super nervous taking Anna Claire to the fireworks because I didn't know if it would be too loud for her but she did great! I muffled her ears with my hands to give myself a little more peace of mind. She actually seemed to watch them for a while and then fell asleep. It was a wonderful day! 

I made this Flag Cake via Paula Deen reciepe 

After a long day I look terrible but I love seeing how AC was so into the fireworks on her first Fourth of July!