
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Halloween! I'm loving the costumes and candy corn everywhere I turn. I can't join in on Halloween fun tonight because I have my internship bright and early tomorrow but I did get to last night! I decided to celebrate last minute and therefore lacked creativity in my costume. Pumpkin, not original. I loved it however because I was SO comfortable and warm! It's getting quite chilly in this part of NC!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mason Dixon Thursday

Whoops! I missed the past two weeks- My apologies! I'm back at it again though
with reason #2 I'm so thankful to live below the Mason Dixon Line.

The Adult Beverages

1. Jack Daniels Old No. 7
This Tennessee whiskey is filtered through a thick layer of
maple charcoal before it is put into casks for aging.

2. Southern Comfort
"In 1874, Southern Comfort was born in a New Orleans
bar. It’s been bringing people together ever since."
Hello SoCo and lime!

3. Kentucky Bourbon
Did you know 95% of the worlds bourbon are distilled
in Kentucky? Thanks Kentucky for Mint Julep and the
Kentucky Derby!

4. Firefly Vodka
My personal favorite! Who wouldn't love 
sweet tea vodka?! We owe thanks to SC for this one!

Enough said- I love the south! What's your favorite drink?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wrap Around

I have always love wrap around porches on houses. They are beautiful and timeless. Seeing as I am currently in college I don't know where I will one day live but I do know that it will have a wrap around porch. (hopefully!) I bring to you the top reasons why a wrap around porch is a must for me as well as some gorgeous inspirations.

1. Because it adds character to the house

2. Because "I wanna be front porch rockin', big sun
droppin in a big sky" -Eric Church.. Meaning I need a place
to put my rocking chairs! Another must have.

3. Because I need somewhere to read outdoors

4. Because it gives me another place to seasonally decorate

5. It gives me a place to add some wicker furniture

6. Because it's the perfect entertaining spot

7. Because I want a Green Egg and it needs to be on my porch..

8.  Because they make me happy!
Do you dream of one day having a porch? or maybe you already do! (lucky!)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend Sum-Up

First off, I would like to thank you to everyone that sent well wishes last week for my dad! You all are SO sweet! I'm so appreciative of such a wonderful blogging community! He is home now and just fine! He had a a bad case of Vertigo which is new to me but apparently not that uncommon! Any who, this weekend I had a chance to go visit a friend of mine at UVA! You may remember her from this post and this post. This time my best friend Maghan (who is also my big and Hilary's twin.. so confusing) came with. We had the best time! I don't get to see Hilary often but when I do I am one happy girl! We started off with a wonderful dinner at Blue Light Grill in downtown Charlottesville. Afterwards we went to see  an occapello singing group called the Hullabahoos. They were absolutely amazing and so cute! We then went to a fraternity progressive and a few bars!

The next day we grabbed a bite to eat at Bodo's. They have the best bagels!! I was introduced to the everything bagel with vegetable cream cheese and it was delicious! Once we were full and dressed we headed to tailgate and to the UVA VS. NC State football game! We never actually made it in the game but had the best time tailgating! The views at UVA are my favorite part. I think I could get used to living in the Mountains (Appalachian for grad school possibility?!)

We ended the weekend with an amazing breakfast and Hilary's parents house. Another bonus to visiting UVA- her sweet family!!

Sorry for the picture overload! I have tons more but just had to share these. It was an amazing weekend and I'm sad to be back home. Now I have to get back into school mode before homecoming/Halloween this weekend. Did yall have wonderful weekend?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Prayers Please

I need some prayers this way please 

My dad is currently in the emergency room
after some complications. hopefully nothing too serious
but we haven't heard back yet.

My puppy Cooper ALSO just got out of surgery.

Prayers would be appreciated!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

White Chicken Chili

I have recently been itching to try a new recipe and unparticular one that hinted "fall." Hint fall- does that make since? Last Thursday I invited some friends over for dinner and knew that would be the perfect occasion to cook. I searched high and low before I found the perfect recipe. My friend Ashley even tweeted Thursday morning "Woke up this morning to find Amanda reading my cookbook- bless her heart" haha. I found my recipe on the Internet, made it and decided I had to share because it was AMAZING! I made a pot of white chicken chili and french bread as the side. So yummy!


2 cans white beans, drained and rinsed
1 lg onion, chopped
1/2 c. butter, divided
1/4 c. flour
1 c. chicken broth
2 c. half and half
1 tsp. Tabasco
1 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. salt
1 4oz can chopped chilies
1 can corn, drained
2lbs chicken, cooked and cut into 1/2″ chunks
1/2 c. sour cream
6 oz monterey jack cheese, grated.
- Cook onion in 2 Tbsp butter until soft.
- In large pan, melt remaining 6 Tbsp. butter over low heat and whisk in flour to make a roux.
- Cook roux, whisking constantly for 3 minutes.
- Stir in onion, gradually adding broth and  half and half, stirring constantly.
- Bring mixture to a boil and simmer, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes until thick.
- Add remaining ingredients except for sour cream. Cook over moderate low heat for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally.
- Take off heat and stir in sour cream.
- Serve with french bread!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Made it down south to the land of the pines

[warning:picture overload!] This weekend I had the chance to spend the weekend with some good friends at NC State. I am so close to Raleigh and even almost went to State however have never really been to visit since I have been in school. On Friday two of my girl friends changed that and headed to our capital. As soon as we arrived we knew a beverage run was in order. Little did we know what we thought was a grocery store was actually an international food mart- interesting story that will have to wait for another day. We finally left and headed to the Delta Sigma Phi house where a friend of ours currently lives and is serving as president!

the girls- love them!

Friend from State

Wallace- my main man

After a little dance party we headed downtown to a bar called The Big Easy. It was pretty crowded but we had fun! Except for one poor boy who had enough too early ha.

the boys

poor guy

The next morning we recouped with Biscuitville and then headed to the state fair! I was SO excited!! I had never been before and couldn't wait to experience all of the fried food. We had so much fun checking out the rides, amazing food selections and other attractions. My favorite ride was this giant plastic bubble thingy that you could run around in like a hamster! I tried the corn on the cob which was dripping butter and amazing as well as the hand breaded corndog. I wanted fried green beans but didn't get a chance to enjoy those. (probably a good thing for my body) Did you know they have a such thing as fried kool aid?!

After the fair we headed over to a friends house where we grilled hamburgers, sweet potato fries and mac and cheese. That plus a bottle of wine= amazing. One happy girl I was(: Unfortunately ... I forgot to take pictures. So sad! We ended the trip at a local breakfast joint that was amazing. It was the perfect weekend and I couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

It's already Wednesday?! Whew, my week is flying by! I haven't
played What I'm Loving Wednesday in a while, so I thought I'd link up with Jamie!

1. That my sweet grandmother made me Brunswick stew to bring back to
school with me. I just had my first bowl and it's amazing! I love
Brunswick stew in the fall! (or anytime actually)

2. That a trip to the state fair is in my near future! Possibly this
weekend, fingers crossed! I have actually never been and am beyond
excited! I can't wait for lots of fried food and rides!

3. This vest that I really want/need

4. That I got to celebrate a friends birthday last night.
So much fun! Actually too much.. 9 am came early.

5. That I recently bought new coat hangers for my closet.
I have had them sitting in the box for over a week but think
I will finally have a chance to organize the closet tomorrow! Please
 don't call me odd for being excited about cleaning/organizing. Ha