
Monday, April 30, 2012

Home Stretch

Hey friends, I know I have been MIA for a little while now and I blame it all on the craziness of the last little bit of senior year. Last week I came down with a bug and that left me immobile in my bed wondering how I could possibly survive the day. (I could be a little dramatic but it was bad enough to miss two days of my internship!) Believe it or not it is my LAST week of college. Maybe you can believe it but I sure cannot! Time has absolutely flown by!! I'm at my internship today and will be through Wednesday. Friday is the big graduation ceremony day and then I'm all finished and officially a licensed teacher.

I have so much to share that happened while I was taking my little break. I'll start with my favorite part- last Friday my students through me a surprise going away party in class. I will say they went above and beyond and really did surprise me to the fullest. My clinical teacher had me run a fake errand only to my surprise when I returned there was a room full of students, parents, decorations, donuts and gifts galore. My students made me a book titled "How to be a good teacher" and homemade cards. I now have an entire bag full of school goodies- pencils, stickers, stamps, bulletin board supplies, etc. You know you are a teacher when this stuff makes you giddy! I am so appreciative of all my wonderful students I have had this year!

opening gifts

me and my students!

the setup

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Graduation Announcements

With graduation quickly approaching I had to get the ball rolling with graduation announcements. After viewing someones blog I came across Miss Sarah Anne Watson, a graduate of the University of Florida. After viewing some of her work I decided she was the perfect person to design my graduation announcement! I wasn't sure if I was going to send announcements out seeing as I sent them out for high school graduation four years ago. I decided I did in fact want to send some out but only to my closest friends and family. Sarah was a joy to work with and I couldn't be happier with the final product. You can view her work here.

My announcements are officially sent out so I wanted to share them with all of you as well! Any other graduating seniors, are you sending announcements out this year?

Monday, April 16, 2012


Dear Self,

I realize that after having a week off from school and visiting the beach you realize that the end is near and this summer is very promising of fun times. However, this is no excuse for the laziness you are exhibiting the past couple of days. I am officially diagnosing you with a case of senioritis. It is a very common but powerful disease with no cure other than graduation. Symptoms include lack of motivation, increased sleeping, and day dreaming of summer. Luckily for you graduation is in a mere 18 days. In the mean time, please remember you do have a few more assignments to complete and second graders to tend to. I know you can make it- and please, stop napping on the couch.

Concerned Self

Back to reality

Spring break is over and back to my internship I go. I had the best break that even included a last minute trip to the beach. Thursday night I was out with some friends when I was asked to head to be beach the next day. It was a little last minute but I couldn't think of one reason stopping me so I thought of the "yolo" phrase and agreed. Friday I headed off to Emerald Isle for the weekend. It was the perfect way to end my spring break! This is what my past week consisted of:

Now the fun is over and it's back to my precious little second graders! Only two and a half weeks left until graduation!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend

After an amazing Easter weekend at home I am now officially on spring break. It feels so nice to have a break from my internship! This past weekend I was able to spend time with a group of high school friends and enjoy Easter with my family. It's always such a nice break out of Greenville when I get to head home. If I wasn't babysitting back at school this week I would have stayed longer.

Friday night I was able to get together with a group of friends from high school and hit the town in Greensboro. We actually had a group of about 20+ people but I didn't get pictures of everyone. I did get one with my girl friends though! It's always a good time when we get together.

Saturday my mom and I headed back to Greensboro to run errands in preparation for Easter Sunday. We had to go to the fresh market of course! That is her all time favorite place to grocery shop and I have to admit I'm pretty fond of it myself. We may or may not have made at least 4 coffee stops for the small samples while shopping. ha. I also picked up my graduation announcements that look great!! I'll be sure to post about them later! We enjoyed a nice lunch outdoors at a place called Bin 33. By Saturday night I was exhausted and headed to bed pretty early.

Easter Sunday I went to church for a great service and then had lunch with my family. Later that evening my family decided to take the boat out to Belews Creek and had the BEST time. My precious little puppies were quite a sight out there. Poor Charlie fell off the boat and into the water- no worries though, he had his life jacket! (;


How can you not love that face? ..This was pre fall

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter friends! The sun is shining and it is a gorgeous day in my hometown. I headed back home for a long weekend this past Friday. Today I will be spending the day with family celebrating our Savior. I found this post from Easter last year that gives you an idea of how my family celebrates the holiday. I hope y'all have an amazing Easter! Remember the real reason we celebrate!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Is it possible to have too much fun?

Ohh friends, I can't tell you how much fun this past weekend was at Carolina Cup. With all the fun it took me a few days to recouperate and get back on the blog world to give you a recap. No fear, I'm fully rested. I can't say I'm not a little sad though- recapping makes me want to go back!

When my friends and I arrived Friday afternoon we got dolled up and then went to meet up with my friends that attend USC. They took us to see the ZTA house on USC campus. I had seen it before but got to actually stop and take a picture this time. We then went out for dinner and drinks before heading to the bar. It was as I expected and East Carolina students took over. My USC friends tell me every year that cup weekend there are more pirates around than there are gamecocks.

In front of ZTA at USC

friends from USC

Daniel and I

I finally made it home a little past my bedtime and slept amazing until my 7am alarm went off. It's funny how easy it is to wake up when you have something fun going on but how hard it is to wake up when you have work or school, ha. After getting ready I met up with a group of ZTA girls who had rented a bus to drive us from Columbia to Camden. My hair was immediately ruined by the rain. It rained the entire way to Camden but luckily stopped by the time we arrived! The rest of the day was bright and sunny. What good luck! Carolina Cup was an absolute blast. I met up with several friends from schools all over NC as well as many of my fellow ECU friends
my friend Jared from USC and I before leaving the hotel
roomates with matching seersucker dresses and matching mongrammed mason jars(;

Ashley and I

That night after cup we were up and at it again. Tired or not we had to make the most of our weekend! I'm so glad we did because this was the funniest night I have had in a LONG time.