
Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Egg Essentials

I'm not sure the significance of eggs and Easter but they go hand in hand for sure. When I hear the word Easter my mind automatically goes to painting Easter eggs, Easter egg hunts and deviled eggs at Easter lunch. I've never been overly creative when it comes to dying Easter eggs. According to pinterest many people are just that creative though. Here are some of my favorite Easter eggs floating around on the internet.

My eggs are always just dyed a solid color or possibly 2 colors if I'm getting a little crazy. Looks like this year I have some higher standards to try to live up to! Happy Good Friday!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Break Time

I'm writing this post in the middle of the day (like sunlight outside and all). How you ask? Spring break is HERE! Today we had a 1/2 day at school to kick start spring break. We still have parent teacher conferences tonight but come 7pm this girl will be hightailing it out of town. I feel like break has already started even though we still have conferences. I have a few plans for break that I'm looking forward to. 

I'll be participating in The Color Run in Greensboro this weekend 

Easter Sunday 
(I hope it's warm enough to wear an Easter dress!)

A trip to Chetola at Blowing Rock with my best friend- Ashley

Ash and I spent spring break together 2 years ago
 at Disney World. We are 2 peas in a pod for sure. 

and what I'm most excited about.. 
Sleeping in and family time!! 

Hopefully some of you have Good Friday or some time off for Easter as well!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WILW- Breakfast Edition

It's Wednesday which must mean it's time to link up with Jamie at  This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday! This week I'm theming the post as What I'm Loving: Breakfast Edition. I've been trying to eat healthier and have done well for the most part. One meal I feel like I have down pat is breakfast. I still sometimes run out of healthy lunch, dinner, snack ideas (without repeating the same thing over and over). Breakfast I seem to have enough options to not get bored however. Here are my go to breakfast essentials. 

Kashi Go Lean Cereal 
I like knowing I'm starting my day with a good 
amount of protein/fiber and this has just that! 

Silk- Soy Milk
I'm trying to make the switch to soy milk. So 
 far I can tolerate it but I don't love it. For now though, 
I'm pairing the above cereal with soy milk! 

Or sometimes egg whites when I feel like paying the 
extra dollar at the grocery store. This is more of a weekend 
breakfast normally because they aren't as quick as the other options. 

Vanilla Greek Yogurt
Y'all, I'm in love with this yogurt! I could eat it all the time! 

This is probably what I eat the most of. Maple Brown
Sugar Oatmeal. I've been buying the Weight Control kind. 
It's quick, easy, and yummy! 

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I hope I'm doing okay in that area. What do you eat for a healthy breakfast? Better yet- what do you eat for lunch/dinner/snacks? I'd love more healthy option ideas! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh Kate

If money grew on trees I would be the most colorful girl around. I would also be the most fun girl around, eating cake for breakfast and what not. What I'm getting to is how precious Kate Spade is. I have always loved everything about the Kate Spade line. You can count on it to be colorful, fun and unique. A little on the pricey side but a girl can dream!  I need some fun color in my life on this chilly Tuesday morning (hello spring, I thought you were here?!)  

well spoken 

true story

this bag is perfection 

So Kate- you win. I just adore you

Monday, March 25, 2013

Survival Mode

Happy Monday friends! I am happy happy happy to be back on the blog. I had to take a week off because I have been living in straight survival mode since last weekend. I caught a bad horrible stomach virus that swept me right off my feet- and not in a good way. 

Last weekend I made a trip home to visit the family. It was such a nice trip (until I got sick). I spent time with my mom and sister. We went on several walks and celebrated St Patricks day. 

Between basketball tournaments at the Greensboro Coliseum and St Patricks day downtown Greensboro was a fun place to be. We checked out a few places, listened to some music and tried some green beer of course. Unlucky for me this is where it all went downhill... Mid St Patricks day celebration the stomach flu hit. Needless to say my night in downtown Greensboro ended quickly so I could head home and almost die. (I may be a little dramatic.. I wasn't really dying. It sure felt like it though!) 

10 pounds, lots of applesauce,  2 days out of work, and 1 week later I am finally back to normal. Praise the good Lord! This girl does not do well with illness. 

I celebrated being back to normal with a little play time with my best girl friends this weekend. We had so much fun out and about!! I wish the weekend could have been just 1 day longer! I also racked up at the Ann Taylor Loft sale - come on warm weather! I've got shorts and tank tops to start wearing. 

I also should be honest with myself and admit that I have a new addiction... To Frozen Yogurt. It's bad, I want it all day, everyday- loaded to the top with toppings. Uh- bad addiction before bikini season! I took a week off from the gym when I got sick. It looks like I will need to get my workout grind back on starting today. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weekend Recap

Hello friends, I am a day late with my weekend recap because daylight savings has completely exhausted me! I'm pretty sure I was still asleep driving to work this morning. It didn't help that it was still pitch black outside. It was very nice to be able to leave the gym though and it still be daylight outside. That used to be a rare occurrence. 

Anywho, I had the BEST weekend with my girl friends at the beach! Me and two of my best girl friends from college headed to Emerald Isle for the weekend. We couldn't have picked a better time to go as the weather was gorgeous! 

We did a little beach walking, some ocean front gazebo napping, lots of girl talk, strawberry margaritas, lots of food and even more laughs. Just being able to catch up with these girls was the highlight of the trip. The pretty beach weather has me that much more ready for warm temperatures! 

I'm also ready for these little babies.. 

I've seen lots of Easter/Spring blog post lately and I now have a huge craving for these speckled chocolate Easter eggs. 

Hint hint, mom.. maybe we should have a bowl ready when I come home(;

Friday, March 8, 2013

TGIF-Beach Bound!

After a very LONG week of feeling under the weather I am happier than ever to say TGIF! I know I will be in a good mood with my kiddos all day because... 

1. I let myself have my coffee this morning
(I try to save this for Fridays and weekends) 

2. As of 3pm I am beach bound with 2 of my very best college friends! One other girl was supposed to come also but wont be able to make it because of snow up North. :( 

I mean who wouldn't want to spend a weekend with 


We ALWAYS have fun together. that time we became Craig Woolard groupies 

and then that time we did it again. insisting we make a stage appearance 

So obviously I'm so excited!! I'll be back Monday exhausted from fun and filled with happiness(: Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

First I want to start by saying thanks to Vineyard Love Knots who hosted this awesome giveaway of bracelets from Beads by Alyssa. I was lucky enough to win the giveaway and just adore the bracelets! The colors are perfection in my opinion. I sported them to work yesterday here: Thanks ladies! 

Second I just have to share this picture of my adorable firsties. We have been learning about famous Americans lately. We read all about Garrett Morgan, the inventor of the traffic light, then made these adorable stoplight cookies! 

and lastly.. just a little Thursday inspiration 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Strawberry Sweets

Happy Wednesday friends! I'm super excited about it being Wednesday because that means there is only 2 more days before I will be beach bound with 3 of my closest college girl friends. Words can't contain how excited I am! But anywho, more to come on that later. 

Lately I have been craving everything strawberry! It might be because spring is on it's way meaning strawberry season is soon to be. Or it could be because we are in the midst of planning a first grade field trip to a Strawberry Patch at my school. I recently even picked up some strawberry's from my grocery store and they were pretty amazing for it to not even be season yet. While I just adore a plain strawberry there are also so many fun recipes with the sweet fruit. Here are some of my favorites I am itching to try this year. 

^That one looks like something I could eat daily. YUM!

Strawberry Mimosas 

I could continue with strawberry jam, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate dipped strawberries,  strawberry champagne but you get the picture(: Anyone else craving summertime foods?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Manic Monday

Happy Monday friends! I think today will be just what my title suggest- a manic Monday. I developed a nasty sinus infection over the weekend. Sinus infections almost seem like a monthly occurrence for me these days. Feeling under the weather left me tossing and turning unable to sleep last night. After the first hour of trying to sleep and being unsuccessful what is a girl to do other than give up and start pinning. That is exactly what I did! I spent the wee hour of 4am on Pinterest. Now my boards are filled with dream homes and dream destinations. Here are a few of my finds:

Meet my future lake home..

I used to want to swim with dolphins- 
now I want to play with elephants!! 

adorable right?

wishing I was on this boat.. with these fellas. 
come on summer..

and if you made it this far I'll share with you my other idea. Maybe it's not because I am sick that I couldn't sleep. Maybe it's because... 

Wish me luck staying awake at work!