
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Orange Beach Update

Oh my word .. Who knew you could blog from your phone? I should have known there was an app for blogging because there is one for everything else!  

Mom and I made it to Orange Beach LATE Saturday night/Sunday morning. The drive took forever but we broke it up by stopping to do a little shopping, coffee breaks and listening to Gone Girl on audio book. The past two days have been so nice down here. I'm in love with the area!! We are staying on the canal across from a marina which means we can watch the huge boats go by as they enter. So far we have spent our time relaxing, shopping, eating and heading to happy hour. No complaints here! 


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Surviving 12 hours in a car

It is going to be a traveling day for me and my mom today! Our car is packed and map pulled out (or GPS on) ready to travel to Orange Beach, Alabama for the week. I am BEYOND excited for a week with my mom and my aunt at the beach. I haven't been to Orange Beach in a few years but I do remember just how gorgeous the beaches are. It's going to be a wonderful week minus one teeny tiny detail. We are driving and the approximate travel time is 11 hours and 41 minutes. That is almost TWELVE hours.. in  car. Oh my word, I am not looking forward to that part of the trip. My mom and I are going to split the driving which will help a tad bit. I tend to get antsy in a car after a few hours so I have prepared a few travel necessities to make the trip a little more comftorable. 

1. My I-Pod: I can't even drive through town in a silent car, much less on a long trip. I have updated my Ipod with tons of new music that I plan on listening to on repeat. 

2. Magazines: I don't like to read books in the car because of the possibility of getting car sick but I seem to do okay with magazines! I finally have time for the stack of magazines I have yet to look at! 

3. A book on tape: I purchased Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn on audio and plan on playing it in the car. I've seen this book all over everyones blog so it must be good! And audio book is perfect because mom and I can both listen to it at the same time with no worries of getting car sick! 

4. A blanket: (and a pillow) so I can hopefully sleep a little bit of the trip! 

5. Krystal burgers. Okay I've saved the best for last. We don't have a Krystal Burger anywhere near me but we do pass several once we get closer to South Carolina/ Georgia/Alabama. I have been obsessed with these tiny burgers since I was a little girl traveling to AL. I will be stopping here at least once on this trip. 

It's going to be a LONG trip but it will all be worth it when we finally get there! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Favorite Things- Fitness Edition

Happy first day of summer! To me summer starts Memorial weekend but today is special because it's the first official day of summer!! I'm linking up today with Across the Hall in 2nd, My Favorite Things, this time fitness edition! What better time to be working on your fitness than bikini season?

A month ago my favorite things would be completely different. I would have said I love my gym, the fitness classes they offer and running inside and out. Since summer is here and I have moved I am no longer a member of my gym. It's also hard to find a time outside where it's not too hott to go running. I'm currently trying to change my fitness schedule and find something that works for me. Here is what I'm trying, keeping in mind I will not be joining back at the gym until August. 

Running Outside
early in the morning, or late in the evening

I don't want to let the heat stop me from running but I am going to adjust the time of day I go! 

When I just don't feel like running, walking is the perfect exercise. I plan on going on lots of walks this summer.. walking my dog, walking with my mom, walking on the beach, on local trails, the possibilities are endless! 

Indoor Ab exercises 

That's it for exercises but there are a few more fitness favorite on my list! 

What are your summer fitness favorites? Link up with Across the Hall in 2nd and share! 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Craig Woolard

Happy Thursday friends! Since I am on summer break I haven't been longing for the weekends like I used to, but I still find myself excited when I know it's almost Friday. I think I'm excited because I know my non teaching friends are ready for the weekend! 

I went shopping yesterday in hopes to find a new bathing suit top for a vacation to Orange Beach coming up. I did not find a bathing suit but I DID find lots of other goodies that I did not need but just had to have. It's hard to turn down a good deal at the outlet stores! My favorite purchase was this new watch I bought. I have been wanting it for a LONG time and held back but I finally gave in yesterday. 

I also scored this pink J-crew skirt that I wore out to see Craig Woolard last night! Some of my best friends were in town so we all went to see the Craig Woolard band at a local beach bar. I am a HUGE fan of this band and have seen them several a million times. We had an absolute blast, even making it on stage at one point during a tribute to the "ECU girls". I think our group was known since we were front row and dancing the entire time. 

Us with Craig himself, showing some Pirate pride! 

This blog post is coming a little late in the day because the girls rested up from our big night by laying out on the beach all day. Tough life right? I'll be enjoying my last night at the beach with Justin tonight before heading home tomorrow ): I can't be too sad though because I will be Orange Beach bound with my mom this weekend! Happy almost weekend!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I've been visiting Justin at the beach since Thursday of last week. The past couple of days have been nothing short of amazing! We have had SO much fun just hanging out and relaxing. There have been lots of good meals, some bike rides, some beach/pool time, and several movies taking up our time. 

Convertible Cruising(:

We made a visit to Wilmington to see some of my friends last weekend. There was a free outdoor Zack Brown Band cover concert downtown. Downtown Wilmington is such a gorgeous and fun place to be!! The atmosphere is definitely what made the night. 

My friend from my hometown 

I blogged a couple days ago about my moms green beans wrapped in bacon that were SO good. I attempted to copy her and made those, barbecue chicken, and squash for dinner one night. Delicious if I may say so myself!

Taco Tuesday! 

Tonight we are meeting a few friends to see Craig Woolard play. I'm a huge fan of his music and absolutely cannot wait!! There are few things better than summertime+good music+good company. Happy Wednesday! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Favorite Things- Beach Edition

I missed the linkup last Thursday with Across the Hall in 2nd! I think I was running errands and driving all day but then again it's summer and I'm starting to have trouble keeping my days straight. (; Here are some of my favorite things- beach edition! It's perfect timing for this post because I just got off the beach and these things are fresh on my mind. 

We will start with the largest item- the bag! This year I'm rocking this Octopus bag that I just adore. My mom got it for me as a gift a few months ago and I couldn't wait for summer to break it in! 

Inside that bag you will find.. 

a beach towel 

a monogrammed drink sand spiker

anywhere from 1-5 coozies that all have significant meaning! 

a book- currently these two! 

various sunscreen of ALL SPF. I use a different SPF on my face, shoulders, stomach and legs.. call me weird, I know. 

When I get off the beach the bag goes away and I am ready for a snack and a nap. It never fails, the sun makes me tired and hungry every time! 

What are your beach day favorites? Link up with Across the Hall in 2nd

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer is here!

I was home for summer break one full day plus a few hours- just enough time to unpack, eat an amazing home cooked meal, grab breakfast with dad, visit my grandmother, go on a 2 mile run and pack up again. I am now heading to the beach!! What better place to spend the start of summer vacation?! I'm heading to Wilmington with some close friends for the weekend and then will be spending the remainder of the week with Justin. 

I mentioned to mom a while back that I was really starting to fall in love with blue and white porcelain. When I got home I had this new lamp by my bed that I absolutely LOVE. 

Mom also made green beans wrapped in bacon for dinner one night.. amazing. I have a picture of the finished product but blogger is being weird. 

I hope you have a nice start to your weekend! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kick Start to Summer

The past two days absolutley FLEW by. Monday marked a huge milestone for me because it was the last day of school for the students!! It's hard to believe my first year of teaching is over! As excited as I was about it being the last day of school and summer break being so close it was also bittersweet. I hadn't expected the day to be as emotional as it was. I teared up telling my class goodbye and then teared up again at the end of school staff party telling the retirees goodbye. I was a mess right?! But don't worry.. there were plenty of ear to ear grins on my face as I thought about summer with nothing to do but relax!

I arrived at work Tuesday morning prepared to work Teacher Workdays until Thursday only to find out that I have enough comp time I could take the rest of the week off and start summer immediately! Of course I wanted to start my summer early but that also meant I had to pack up my classroom quick. I was running around like a madwoman yesterday but I was able to finish it all! When I left school I came home only to have to do more packing to move out of my house and into my parents house for the summer. Long story short, Totally unexpectedly on Tuesday I packed up my classroom, moved out of my house, drove three hours, and moved into my parents house. All of the busyness has me ready for a day, week, month of doing nothing!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Favorite Things

I don't normally blog on Sundays but I just came across a summer link up and decided I just had to participate! This weeks topic is "Morning Must Haves". My morning routine is the exact same on a day to day basis but that will be changing very soon when school ends! As of now here are some of my morning staples. 

Every morning when I wake up the first thing I reach for is my phone. It's a bad habit but it always takes me a few minutes to open my eyes enough to get up. I normally check my email and instagram before hitting the shower. 

this next one is truly a MUST have. I cannot get ready without music! The silence drives me crazy so Pandora it is!

Another must have is breakfast. I can't leave without something to eat. It's Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal most of the time but every now and then eggs or cereal. 

 The very last thing I do every morning is decide what accessories to wear for the day. This is normally pretty easy because I tend to stick with pearls, my silver bracelet or my gold bangles. Every now and then I branch out with some fun jewelry though! 
That's all for a typical morning. What are your morning must haves? Link up with Across the Hall in 2nd Grade!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Color Love

Whew, I am shouting TGIF loud and proud this morning. The last week of school has been absolutely crazy. The workload for teachers doubles and the students have too much excitement for their little bodies to contain. We had our end of year celebration yesterday so I am prepared for today to be game over, crazy. Even with all of the hyperness it's been fun to see all of them glowing with summer excitement!! 

As I was browsing pinterest recently I realized that I have a deep love for a certain color scheme. I have always been big into neutrals colors but I also really love very light blue, pink and yellow. I don't have my first "real" out of college home yet but I know what I do exactly what kind of style I want it to have! I really love a bright, open room filled with light blue and white. Kind of a soft, classic look? I don't really know how to describe it but that's what it makes me think of! 

This couch is perfection- I simply adore it 

Bright, clean and crisp! I love white bedspreads. 

I've recently started obsessing over blue and white dishes, 
not a fan of these chairs though.

pretty pretty pretty!!

I ADORE this barn table!! Actually everything about this room..

What would you call this style? Happy Friday! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I'm linking up today with Jamie at This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday! After all there are so many things to love right now!! 

I'm currently loving that I am ALMOST done with school! The kids last day is Monday next week and my last day is Thursday. Hello summer! 

That this boy has entered back into the life (:

That one of my best friends, who happens to also be my little in ZTA is ENGAGED. I couldn't be happier for her!! She asked me to be a bridesmaid and is also coming to visit this weekend! yay! 

That I temporarily moved in with my sister. We have lived in the same town for 2 years but never actually lived together. It's been so much fun! 

This Pinterest outfit find

and last but not least these oh so true words.. 

Happy Wednesday friends! Half way through the week!