
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Black Mountain Anniversary Trip

Justin and I celebrated our third anniversary in August. We decided instead of exchanging gifts we would go on a mountain trip together. We finally went this weekend and had the BEST time. We both agreed it would be fun to make it a family trip and bring Anna Claire and Henson. I'm so glad we did because I think it was exactly what we needed. We found the cutest cabin in Black Mountain, just 20 minutes from Asheville. We woke up bright and early Saturday morning and hit the road to make the five hour drive. When we arrived our cabin wasn't quite ready so we drove straight to downtown Black Mountain to walk around and grab a drink. They have the quaintest little downtown with fun little shops and several breweries. They are very dog friendly so it was fun to walk Henson around with us. We enjoyed some really good local beers and met some of the nicest people who even invited us to their private oyster roast! We sadly declined so we could get home to put little bit to bed. 

Once we arrived at the cabin we immediately changed into pajamas, lit a fire and started a pot of homemade spaghetti sauce. Anna Claire must have been so happy to be able to move around because she started rolling everywhere, back and fourth and back again. It was absolutely adorable and something new for her. Watching her grow has been the biggest blessing. We spent the rest of the night relaxing by the fire. It was Heavenly! 

We had a slow morning Sunday and I made cheesy bacon biscuits, coffee and mimosas. Anna Claire played, Justin and Henson explored the woods outside the cabin and I got a little reading in. Later that day we took a tour of the Biltmore house in Asheville. Justin and I both agreed that it was nice to see the house but really not worth the money unless you were to upgrade for the guided tour or the phones with sound to tell you about the rooms. It also is not stroller friendly and was pretty crowded so not the best activity for a baby. Anna Claire hung in there and enjoyed seeing all of the things. By the time we left she was exhausted and snoozing. We spent the rest of the day grabbing a late lunch at Wicked Weed and walking around downtown Asheville. Justin had never been downtown so it was so fun to show him around some. We headed home around 5 to cozy back up at the cabin and start a movie. We both said that was our favorite part of the trip- just being home together, by the fire, relaxing and hanging out. 

Sunday enjoyed another slow and rainy morning at the cabin before packing up and heading home. We stopped for BBQ on the way out to end the trip. The drive home in the rain was longggg but it was worth it. We had the BEST time. It was exactly what my heart needed. My heart is so full and thankful for my little family! Justin and I both agreed we should make it an annual trip.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

3-6 Month Favorites

How do I have a 6 month old? I don't know where the time has gone! As a new mommy one of my favorite post to read are baby product favorites. There is SO much STUFF out there it can be hard to decipher what you really need and what is a waist of money. I think hearing what works from other moms is so helpful! If you missed my newborn favorite products you can see that here.

We use our mat ALL the time. It is obviously great for tummy time but now that Anna Claire has learned to roll over she likes to just lay on her back and swat at all of the dangling toys. It keeps her entertained for a solid chunk of time and is so light weight so we can drag it room to room with us as needed. 

Anna Claire LOVES this thing! She started using it when she was about 4 months old. She loves to look at all of the different toys and try to reach for things. I love how you can add more toys to it to keep things fresh. She is just now starting to actually bounce in it so I think this one we will continue to get use out of in the next couple of months! 

Around 5 months we started pulling out ALL of the teething toys we had stored away. This Nuby silicone Teethe-eez and this Nuby Banana are two of her favorites!

Pack N Play
This has been a favorite from day one. When Anna Claire was a newborn she slept beside our bed in the bassinet part of this pack n play. When she outgrew the bassinet we kept her in our room in this pack n play and just removed the bassinet/ changing table. It has been SO nice for middle of the night feedings to have her in our room. We also travel a good bit and this pack n play folds up super easy. We love it! 

Monday, November 5, 2018


This was the best weekend because.... we were HOME, with pretty much no plans! We have been so busy lately and it is exhausting. It was so nice to be home to just relax, catch up on housework and school work and just hang out! Friday night we did go to a friends house for chili and charades. It was a lot of fun and we were home by 8 to put Anna Claire to bed. Saturday was all about doing a million loads of laundry, cooking, catching up on school work, watching college football and playing with Anna Claire. It was the perfect day. She is just now starting to sit up on her own and it's adorable!! My dad came to town late Saturday night to do some fishing on Sunday. He got here just in time for me to say hey, and goodnight. 

On Sunday we visited with dad and had a low key morning. Later we headed into Myrtle beach to run some errands and grabbed lunch at Wahlburgers which was excellent! Also, I got the dress in the picture below from the Loft for 12 dollars! Such a steal! We enjoyed some white chicken chili for dinner and called it a night early. A low key weekend was exactly what we needed to feel recharged for the week ahead. 

dad life

This is what happens when Justin watches Anna Claire, haha

Sunday, November 4, 2018

What I'm Reading

Whiskey in a Teacup by Reese Witherspoon
Would I read it again: yes! 
Recap and my thoughts: All the heart eyes for this beautiful book! It is by far my favorite purchase I've made in a while. It makes a perfect coffee table book. The pictures are gorgeous. Some of my favorite chapters included If It Isn't Moving Monogram It, My Did Do Language and Notes on Southern Conversation and Hot Rollers, Red Lipstick and Steel Magnolias. This is a great southern lifestyle book with gorgeous pictures! 

Would I read it again: yes! 

Recap and my thoughts: I haven't read any of Liane Moriarty books that I did not like and this one was no different. This book follows the lives of three triplets as they navigate marriage, miscarriage, babies, divorce and sisterhood. I stayed up way too late reading this book because of some of the surprising drama and found myself literally laughing out loud. I finished the book smiling so it gets a thumbs up from me! 

Would I read it again? YES! 
Recap and my thoughts: This is a thriller that had me hooked from literally the first sentence. This book follows a newlywed couple who make a dangerous decision on their honeymoon that will change their lives forever. This book keeps you hooked and ends with a twist. I loved it and read the whole thing in one weekend (which is not easy with an infant but it was just that good..) 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Anna Claire l 6 months

I think I am in complete shock that my baby girl is halfway to one! 6 months seems like a milestone. This has easily been the best 6 months of my life. Life with you, Anna Claire, is so much fun! 

Anna Claire is 15 pounds and 28 inches! She's filling out her 6 month clothes and in size 2 diapers. 

Anna Claire is napping about 3 times a day around 9am, 12:30, and 5:00 sometimes squeezing in an extra cat nap in the afternoon. She sleeps 7:30 pm- 7 am but has gone through a little regression this month. She was only waking up once in the middle of the night to eat but that has increased to 2-3 times some nights. I'm just riding it out and not too worried about it right now because I feel rested and you are happy. She has always fallen asleep super easy once you get her in her Merlin and turn the white noise on. Usually just a few minutes of rocking and she's out! She's still in the pack and play beside our bed just because it makes the middle of the night feedings so much easier on me. Once she starts sleeping through the night better we will transition to the crib! 

We are still breastfeeding with her taking a bottle while I'm at work. She nurses every three hours still with a longer stretch at night. This has been an exciting month because we introduced solids! We tried rice cereal once a day when she was about 5 and a half months and this week she has tried banana and pears. I'm making all of her food right now and it it bringing so much joy! So far she has liked everything she's tried. Next up on the list is squash. 

Six month clothes are fitting perfect with most nine month items still being a tad big. I've already started shopping for Christmas pajamas. I don't think I'll be able to wait until December to start using them! She was set 0-6 months with summer attire but didn't have much Fall/Winter gear so this has been the month we've had to do the most shopping to get ready for the cooler temps. It's expensive to build a whole new wardrobe for the season but it's so much fun! 

Anna Claire loves trying foods, smiling at people who talk to her, bath time, blowing bubbles and being held. 

She does not like long car rides, getting dressed, when you take the wet wash cloth away after bath time and definitely does not like the nasal saline drops.

This month she rolled from back to tummy for the first time! She's only done it twice but I know she can do it. She can sit up on her on for a few seconds. We visited the pumpkin patch this month, attended a best friends rehearsal dinner although she sat the wedding out and traveled to meet another friends baby! It's been such a fun month watching Anna Claire grow!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Pumpkin Patch and all things Fall

One Fall tradition that is a billion times more fun with children is visiting the pumpkin patch so I knew this year with Anna Claire that was a must! We went to the Barefoot Landing Pumpkin Patch last weekend with some friends and had the best time. There was a hayride, bouncy house, petting zoo, pumpkins and wine stand for the adults. Anna Claire was was most interested in trying to eat the pumpkins which of course made for the cutest pictures! We picked out an extra large one that would be perfect to carve and put little bit in for the most priceless photos. I would not say she loved being put in a pumpkin but she tolerated it for a little bit so we could all ohh and ahh and snap a hundred photos. Y'all... this mom life is my favorite. Every season is so much more fun with a  baby!! My heart is so full! Prepare for picture overload because how could I not share this preciousness...

The next weekend we set up a trunk for trunk or treat at church on Friday night. Saturday we attended Oktoberfest in Calabash with the same friends and then I headed home to whip up some apple sangria and visit with Justin's aunt and cousin. Sunday was spent preparing for a busy week ahead. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

5 on Tuesday

I’m posting what was supposed to be a 5 on Friday post on Tuesday morning. I know... crazy. Our weekend was SO busy traveling out of town for a wedding I forgot to hit publish and then our Monday was just as busy. It was worth every busy second though to see one of my best friends get married! So as I rush off to work this morning with a second cup of coffee in hand I’m going to pretend like it’s Friday and go ahead and post my 5.

One. Happy Friday Tuesday! I was super excited about  Friday for several reasons. First, teachers JUST went back to school for the first time since Hurricane Florence but I had already planned to take Friday off for a wedding which means I only had a one day work week. Second, my life long friend, Caroline is getting married!! 

Two. You know that dilemma where it's Fall... and it's October.... and all the stores are selling sweaters and pumpkins..... but it's also in the upper 80's? That is Fall in the south. I guess I'll be sporting my sweaters with shorts and slightly sweating until it cools off some.

Three. I'm at the age where we are replacing wedding invitations with baby shower and birthday party invitations. This year we have been invited to three first birthday parties and I was at a loss as to what to bring. The first birthday is so special but it's hard to shop for toys when you don't know what they already have and clothes are so hit or miss depending on their size. I think some sort of personalized gift instantly makes your gift that much more thoughtful. I LOVE the last two gifts we found for some of our friends doll babies. This personalized beach towel and this name puzzle make an awesome first birthday gift! I linked both in case you are in search for a gift as well! 

Four. We hosted some friends over for dinner this week.We served ribs, squash casserole, Fall salad, bread and homemade apple pie. I used an oldie but goodie apple pie recipe found here. So yummy and perfect for Fall! Also, this pie is made in a brown paper bag. How cool is that?! 

Five. The Fall salad was also SO good. I used sliced apples, toasted walnuts, crumbled blue cheese, craisins and bacon on top of a bed of lettuce with a raspberry walnut vinaigrette. DELICIOUS!