
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stuffed Jalapenos'

Over Thanksgiving break I learned how to make a stuffed jalapeno peppers! They were easy as can be and just delicious! This Friday night is my sorority's Semi Formal. Before we head out to dance our hearts away a few of the seniors are getting together for appetizers and wine. I have decided I am going to make these stuffed jalapenos' to bring. I know there are lots of events similar to this coming up so I wanted to share the recipe.

1. Slice the jalapeno in half and take out the middle part.
[Note to self: We learned at this part just how hot
peppers can be! Don't touch your eyes!]

2. Soften 2 cream cheese packets

3. Combine cream cheese, 3/4 bag shredded cheddar
cheese and chopped up green onion. Mix and fill hollow jalapenos.

4. Wrap stuffed jalapenos in bacon

5. Bake at 350

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It just take a moment

I don't know if it is the holidays or if I am just feeling extra kind but lately I have been really noticing how far a simple act of kindness can go. I started thinking about it after a friend of mine was explaining how stressful things are right now for her and how she was having a very unpleasant day. She went on to tell me that she was feeling very discouraged when she was in line at Starbucks. She was about to check out when she realized she didn't have her wallet with her. To her surprise the man behind her overhead what was going on and stepped in and handed the cashier money for her coffee. My friend went on to tell me how uplifting it made her feel for a complete stranger to go out of their way to do something nice. It was only a few dollars but to her it was worth a million.

It is easy to get carried away with our day to day lives and forget to stop and do something for someone other than ourselves. Even the slightest act of kindness could change someones entire day. I was messing around on Pinterest (no surprise) and came across the following link. This girl celebrated her 38th birthday by completing 38 random acts of kindness. You HAVE to read about it here. What an awesome way to spend your birthday! I am going to make it my goal to do think of others a little more and do kind things just because.

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men” Luke 6:35

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Recap

Thanksgiving is over and it's back to reality for this girl! I have lots of final projects and exams to get ready for before the semester ends oh so soon. I hope everyone had safe travels and a wonderful holiday with friends and family! Mine could not have been better (minus the super long drive!) Back to Saturday.. the Pirates lost in overtime. So sad! We had a wonderful season though and I'm still proud of the boys! On a better note, roll tide! Alabama won the Iron Bowl. I'll take one win for the day! Here is a recap of my Thanksgiving in Alabama through pictures.

My mom and aunt enjoying Bloody Marys' Thanksgiving morning

my sister trying raw oysters

Fish Fry at my cousin's house after the Iron Bowl

Bonfire night!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Not an Ordinary Day

Okay friends, today is not an ordinary day for college football! Today is the Iron Bowl- Alabama #2 plays rival Auburn and East Carolina plays Marshall for a spot in the bowl game. The games overlap so I will be watching the Alabama game and turning to ECU during commercials. I am still in Alabama with family so you can imagine the game day spirit and Bama/Auburn rivalry going on! Last night my family had a "Iron Bowl Eve Bonfire."

Lets hope for some Alabama and Pirate wins! Roll Tide!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Blog Award!

I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving! I know mine could not have been better. I was feeling awfully special yesterday after receiving this blog award from two amazing blogs!! Carolina on My Mind and Pink Zin. You should definitely check these ladies blogs out! I promise you will love it.

This award is for bloggers with less than 200 followers.

The rules of the award are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave me the award
and link back to their blog.
2. Copy and paste the award to my blog.
3. Reveal the 5 blogs I have chosen to award and let
 them know by commenting on their blogs.
4. Pay it forward to 5 blogs.

The blogs I am awarding are:

and just for fun..

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We shouldn't have to wait until the fourth Thursday in November to express our thanks. Being around friends and family really reminds you what is important! I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with good good and good company! I am thankful for so many things it is impossible to narrow it down to one list, but here is my attempt!

I am thankful for


My Family

My Friends

My blogging network
Y'all bring joy to each and every day! Blogging has
enabled me to meet so many wonderful people and I am
truly thankful.

The opportunities I have been provided with

My internship class

This moment right now
Sitting with my family in Alabama watching the Macy's Day Parade with
a cup of coffee, turkey smoking, dogs running around, comfy sweater, laughs
hugs and smiles- it's absolutely perfect. I don't think I could ever thank God enough.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

On the road again

My day will be spent in the car with my family for 8+ hours.
Oh boy..

We are on the way to Alabama!

If you are traveling today stay safe!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Keep Calm

My thoughts exactly! I have to tell you I was unprepared for the massive amounts of school work senior year was going to pile on me. This has been the most difficult and time consuming semester I have ever had. Thankfully the end is insight and we are SO close to being finished! While that makes me happy my to-do list does not. This time of the year always brings the last few assignments, huge projects, final exams and extensive papers. My next two weeks will no doubt be spent doing nothing but school work. Having such an extensive to-do list stresses me out to the max! I feel like I can't sleep until everything is crossed off!

On a happier note- Thanksgiving break starts for me at 6pm today! I will be at my internship and then babysitting until 6. When I get off I will be heading home with my sister. I am so excited to see my family and my puppies! Wednesday morning my family and I will be packing up and making the 8 hour wonderful drive to Alabama to visit family for Thanksgiving! I am dreading the drive but can't wait to get down there! We always have the best time visiting my mom's side of the family in AL. Now if I can just tell myself to forget about the school work and enjoy my visit.. (easier said than done!)

Something to think about

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekend Recap

This weekend went by in the blink of an eye. I think I feel like that at the end of every weekend! Friday night ZTA had an American/Amurrica grab a date which turned out to be SO much fun! My friend Maghan and I painted large over sized men's t-shirts into the American flag and wore them as a dress. Most people wore nascar themed items of clothing but I liked our flags the best! We even had miniature flags to wave around throughout the night. Here are some pictures from my house before the social.

my date and I- he was so much fun!

Maghan and I with our matching shirts!

nice jorts boys!

The roommate and I with our matching cups!


Sorry for the picture overload! Saturday was spent at the last home football game. Dramatic as it may be I'm so sad that it was the last home football game I will ever attend as a student. Football is a huge thing at my school. I don't think I have EVER missed a home game with the exception of the game the day after Thanksgiving in years passed! I wanted to make the most of it and it was the perfect day to do so. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! I had the best time and ECU even won! Go pirates!

I ended the weekend with the BEST Sunday I have had in a while! What did I do? Nothing. That was why it was so perfect. The temperature was in the 70's which is an automatic mood booster! I opened some windows, watched a televised church sermon, made lunch, cleaned, did homework, read blogs, pinterested and just hung out with my roommate. I very rarely have days that are so relaxing because I am just so busy. It was absolutely perfect and I am very rested and ready for the week! (It's only a two day week before I'm off for Thanksgiving though!) I hope y'all had a fabulous weekend as well!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hello Weekend!

Happy Friday! This weekend I will be:

attending an American/Amurica themed grab-a-date
attend the last ECU home football game

which will pretty much take up my whole weekend!
I'm not complaining because it's going to be fun fun fun!!

I have a confession: While tons of people were going to see the midnight premiere of the new Twilight movie I stayed in because I have never even seen the first one! People talk about the series all the time but I just never had any interest in reading the book or watching the movie. That all changed yesterday while I was babysitting though! The little girl I watch loves the series so when the first one came on TV I decided to watch it with her. We only got through half of it before we had to leave, but we recorded the last half and are going to watch it together when she gets home from school today! I can already tell I like it so I guess I will be renting the rest of them too.

I hope y'all have a fabulous weekend!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hey, It's Okay!

I'm linking up with Neely for the first time to It's Okay Thursday!

It's Okay....

.. that while I'm writing a six page paper I stop after each completed page I write to read blogs. This paper isn't due for a month!

.. to misplace your phone and have to resort back to your old Blackberry Pearl for the time being. (okay, not really.. I'm tyring to convince myself though)

.. to get way to into themed socials. I have spent three days getting my outfit ready for our "Amurica" themed grab-a-date tomorrow night!

.. to blast country music with the windows down and heat blasting on my feet (sometimes)

.. to be more excited about waking up at 5:45 am for my internship than I am waking up at 8:30 for classes

.. to not be able to start my homework until I have washed the dishes, checked my email, facebook, twitter and blog. --social network problems?

.. to spend way too much time updating my IPOD when I have more productive things to be doing

.. to be extremely sad that the LAST home football game I will ever experience as a college student is this weekend.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Need a pick me up?

I think Jessica has the right attitude! Maybe we should all take notes. If you need a pick me up please watch this little girl! This is an older video I had forgotten about and just stumbled across it again!

Note to boys: Please learn!

Note to myself: Please learn!
I have never been able to fold a fitted sheet! My mom
can do it perfect. I am determined to learn before Christmas! 

Say What?

I have had the oddest Wednesday! I woke up to a forecast of 80 degree weather. In case mother nature forgot it is still November. I wasn't complaining though! I slipped on some Nike shorts and booked it to class. One hour into my class alarms began going off on campus informing students that we were currently under a lock down. An armed individual had been spotted on campus and we were to go no where. We spent the next 3-4 hours sitting in the same room not aloud to leave. Looking out the windows this is what we saw:

Police flooded campus, students stuck under lock down, helicopters flying around, sirens and alarms. Chaos? YES! Then we hear there is a tornado warning.. even more chaos? Yeah! We finally get the all clear and go on with our day, that is until we hear what really happened. Are you ready for a laugh? The supposed man spotted with a gun on campus actually had an UMBRELLA. Seriously, an umbrella. The entire thing was a false alarm. How embarrassing. So that is how I have spent my day. I would call it wacky Wednesday!

On another note, have you been tuneing in to the Hart of Dixie on Monday nights? I don't watch too much TV but I do make an exception for this show, Desperate Housewives and Sweet Home Alabama on CMT. Hart of Dixie has proven to be by far my favorite! It is it's first season airing. If you haven't seen it I suggest you check it out! Rachel Bilson is just too cute and funny adjusting to life in Bluebell Alabama.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Shoe Essentials

I have a never ending love for shoes. ALL shoes! If I had an unlimited amount of money coming in you can guarantee that I would be shoe shopping like no other! That however is not the case.. I like to buy shoes that will last and not go out of style.  I have a few shoe staples that I think every girl must have!

My Opinion of Essential Shoes

A good pair of sandals for warm weather!
I have platnium jack rogers because they go with everything!

Wedges for the summer  
Sometimes you want to dress up but still be casual!

Nude heels
because they are my favorite pair of shoes
ever! timeless, classy and perfect

Classic black pumps

I guess one pair of boots will do but
I prefer a riding boot and a cowgirl boot!

Running shoes
tennis shoes.sneakers.whatever you prefer!

A nice pair of flats
that are comfortable and can be dressed up or down!
I love the ones of the far left!

These are my shoe essentials, what are yours?