
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Catch Up

I don't know what people used to do before computers were in high demand. I have been computerless since last week because mine has been in the shop with a virus. Thank goodness I have it back now and can continue with me routine blogging, pinning, tweeting, facebooking.. the list goes on, ha.

This past weekend I headed home to see my parents. I didn't get home until late Friday night because I had to babysit all day before I could leave. After grabbing Mexican for dinner (my guilty pleasure) my mom and I decided to rent The Big Miracle. Have any of you seen it? It's a true story about three whales trapped in forming ice in Alaska. It was great, I recommend it if you're looking for a redbox!

I spent all day Saturday at a family reunion at Hyco Lake. We had a nice time even though it rained the majority of the day. Sadly, no pictures were taken by me :( Sunday was completely perfect because I did absolutely nothing. I love lazy days!! I have been having too many but I know in just a few more days I will be busy busy. I did get one productive thing done though. I went through boxes and boxes of children's books that were given to me by a retired teacher and decided what I did want and didn't want. That was quite the task! I'm soooo excited about my new books though!! I ended the night watching the finale of The Bachelorette. I couldn't be happier for Emily- Jef (with one f) is p.e.r.f.e.c.t!!

I'm now tuning into Bachelor Pad which started last night. One of the guys on the show described it as The Bachelor meets Dr. Seuss and I couldn't agree more. Drama Drama Drama! I'm sure it will be a very interesting season.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Get to know me!

Two post in one day, whew who! I have been seeing this get to know me link up on several blogs lately and figured it would be fun to participate. It's being hosted by the lovely From Mrs. to Mama ! I haven't done one of these in a while and lots have changed so here goes nothing! 

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I had to look back for this one, I have been blogging since February of 2011. I started blogging because at the time I worked as an office assistant on campus and had tons of free time. I ran across another girls blog one day and got hooked. After that I started find more and more blogs that I had a lot in common with. Eventually I decided to give it a go.. I'm honestly surprised it's stuck so long! My blog has changed a lot.. it's always been a reflection of me and has never been very "steady". What I mean by that is I blog about whatever is on my mind at the time and that has changed a lot over the past year and a half!  

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?

I did! I just graduated this past May from East Carolina University

3. Where have you traveled?
I've traveled along the East Coast as far up as Michigan and as far down as Friday. I've also been to Canada once. I've never traveled other than that out of the country or out west. I'd love to travel more in the future! I've been fortunate enough to go to New York several times and always have the best time! 

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?

Hm, if I won the lottery I would put it all in the bank and then build my dream house! and dream beach house

5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
When people lie about things that don't matter. I don't get it.. 
When people wont stop talking during a show/movie I'm really interested in!!
When someone (especially someone you are dealing with in a professional manner) responds to a phone call with a text or an email. If I call you, call me back. If I email you, email me back. 

6. What is your favorite movie?

Fried Green Tomatoes 

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?

Depends on the setting! Sometimes a nice glass of wine, sometimes beer or liquor. Obviously sweet tea beats them all though. 

8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?

I love having a clean house and sitting down with a huge cup of coffee, turning on music, and blogging/facebooking/pinteresting. Perfection! 

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?

Nordstrom. I would be able to purchase designer clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry all in one place! 

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.

I used to give blood ALL the time. I never had an issue with it and figured it was the least I could do. When I found out a fraternity on campus was hosting a blood drive I decided to head over. To my surprise, after giving blood multiple times with no issue, this was the one time my body decided to pass out. In front of an e.n.t.i.r.e. fraternity. (insert blush face) I was mortified and haven't given blood since! 

11. What day would you love to relive again?

That's a tough one. I honestly can't think of just one day. It would be a day that involved my family, friends and pure happiness for sure though! 

12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?

You're getting to know me- who do you think?! I'm curious to know!! 

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?

I was a waitress at an ice cream shop in high school. In college I was an office assistant for a year and have been a nanny for the same family for three years! 

14. Show us a picture from high school or college.

I'm using my roommates computer because mine has a virus so my picture selection is limited. I did snag this one off Facebook though. It's my best friend Ashley and I in high school! 

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?

16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you. 

I show current pictures of myself on here all the time. This one isn't the newest but it's meaningful and hasn't ever been shared on my blog! This is a picture of me and a friend at the Pike USC formal my sophomore year. I chose this picture because it represents the start of some amazing friendships I formed with a few students from USC. It has been so neat to keep in touch. I see them 2-3 times a year and it's always the best time!! 

17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?

In five years I will be 27. I see myself still teaching, hopefully engaged/married and having this little thing called life figured out. (: Of course you never know what could happen! 

If you made it this far I'm impressed! 

Too Early?

Is it too early to be thinking of Fall?

It's seriously all I can think about. Normally I am dreading the end of summer. I get cold extremely easy and normally don't welcome cooler weather. Maybe the insane heat we have been having lately is causing me to rethink my old love for summer and move to a new love for autumn? If it's not the heat, my readiness for cooler weather could be because I'm ready to have my own classroom! That part is coming very very soon (just two more weeks before I start training and can get in my class!! I CAN'T wait)

Of course I think there are a few other things that have me thinking of the season change, like...

A wardrobe change.
I can't tell you how much I love wearing dresses with boots, scarves and neutral fall colors.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are my guilty pleasure
I try to stay away from Starbucks and brew coffee at home to avoid extra calories and spending money. When these come out however it is a different story. They are a.m.a.z.i.n.g

-We're in the south, no description needed-

There is much more I love about fall but the things listed above are enough to have me in fall fever. Anyone else having the same thoughts I am? or maybe I should just go put on a bathing suit and enjoy the weather while it's here. Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Musings

I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to kick start this Monday! I had the best time at beach music and visiting Hilary at UVA. Thursday, Maghan and I headed to visit my old roommate in Cary, NC. Once we got ready we made the quick drive to Raleigh to see the Craig Woolard band play at North Hills. I love visiting Raleigh because there are SO many of my friends that have graduated and moved there. I spent the evening catching up and dancing with tons of friends I hadn't seen in a while. After the concert ended a group of friends and I headed to a place called World of Beer to have a few drinks and catch up. Friday the girls and I woke up to breakfast in bed and had a chance to run some errands before Maghan and I had to leave for VA.

Some of the girls

Us with Craig (It was after the show so please ignore the sweaty faces, ha)

It was then off to Charlottesville, VA to visit miss Hilary. We surprised her with all of her birthday goodies then headed out for a night on the town. UVA is an amazing school to visit, it is absolutely gorgeous and has a great small town college charm. My only dislike- your late night pizza places are TOO good. Meaning, I can't say no! Saturday the girls decided to have lunch at an Irish Pub called Trinity. The weather was perfect so we got to sit outside for our meal. Afterwards we made our way to Pippin Hill Farm for a wine tasting. This was by far my favorite part of the trip. The view was absolutely stunning. While we were there a wedding party arrived for pictures. JJ Redick from Duke basketball team happened to be one of the groomsmen. So neat!

After the tasting we hurried home to get changed to meet Hilary' family for dinner. Her parents rented out The Biltmore for an evening of birthday fun. We had so much fun continuing the birthday celebrations that night. By Sunday morning it was safe to say we were birthday-ed out and ready for some R&R. After a breakfast with her family Maghan and I headed back home. I had an amazing weekend but am glad to be back!

Did anyone see the new show Political Animals that premiered last night? I wasn't sure how I would like it but thought it was great and am officially addicted! anndddd Bachelorette tonight, Boys tell all night I think?! I can't wait!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

And I'm Off

My best girl friends + roadtrip + beach music + birthday celebrations= a good time.

I've been anxiously waiting for today to get here because it means I'm finally off for celebrations! Tonight I'm heading to Raleigh to see Craig Woolard play at North Hill's. I've seen them play several times and they always put on the best show. My best friend Maghan and I have even managed to get on stage and sing with them not once but twice. Ha, I'm not sure how we manage that. I'm so excited though!! I LOVE live music and will be with the best group of girls (:  Tomorrow when we wake up Maghan and I will be hopping in the car again and heading to Charlottesville VA to celebrate another friend, Hilary's birthday. If you've followed me for a while you may remember her. I visited for her birthday last year and again in the fall.

Us three last year

I hope yall have a great weekend. I'll be sure to recap!

and Happy Birthday Hilary!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Need A Giggle?

Last night two of my girl friends and I decided to go see a hypnotist on campus. Random, I know! Every year the same guy comes to all of the freshman orientation sessions and puts on an amazing show. I missed it at my orientation because lucky me, I had strep throat and it was 100 degrees outside. There was no way I was attending the optional session. Now years later everyone still talks about the show and I still hadn't seen it. Well all summer my best Ash and I decided that one night we would find out when orientation was in town and go check it out. That we did last night and it was amazing. I have not laughed that hard in a while. I was extremely skeptical at first because I mean who can really hypnotize a person and make them do anything? Well apparently hypnotist Michael C. Anthony can! Seriously, if you ever get a chance to see him I highly recommend it. His show was absolutely phenomenal. (getting to pretend we were soon to be freshman was just an added bonus(: haha, if only!)

How many Bachelorette fans do we have left out there? I know this season has been every more cheesy than most- but I'm still tuned in every week for the drama. My heart was a tad broken last night when Emily said bye to my favorite- Sean. How she can not give that cutie a rose is beyond me. Sean if you are out there and still lonely, I would definitely give you all the roses you want(:

One of my favorite parts of watching the Bachelor/Bacherlorette is twitter during the show. Everyone seems to have a reaction about what is going on. I came across a website that highlights some of the funniest tweets during the show. I don't agree with them all but they are too funny to not share!

"Emily cries like a kitten with asthma. #kindofadorable #Bachelorette"

"#bachelorette Hasn’t Emily noticed that Jef is the size of a Snickers bar yet?"

"Jeff, let's get real about that Jimmy Neutron hair.."

" I wouldn't be good at hometown week. I'd be drunk and catching up with my mom, not worrying about the dude.."

"I'm crying because Kensington's cottage looks bigger than my apartment. Not to mention better decorated #bachelorette"
^My favorite- that cottage was AMAZING. Lucky girl!

haha, I'll stop now. Not always nice but if you are an avid show watcher you know it's too funny.

Have a great afternoon ladies!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Big News

Happy Monday friends! I hope you all had a nice and relaxing fourth of July. Mine was just wonderful! I spent the 100 degree holiday at Lake Gaston with my parents. I don't know about you but I just cannot get used to the 90-100 degree heat we have been having! Luckily we had the water to cool off in.

Yes, I did sport an American Flag bow

Okay so, moving on.. I have

I got a job!! yay! FINALLY!! I can't deny that I was starting to get a little worried. Come August I will officially be starting my journey as a first grade teacher! I am beyond excited! Now all of my time is spent pinning classroom ideas and dreaming about my classroom. I can't wait to start decorating it!! I know there are a million things I need to do to get ready but I don't know where to start!

and just for kicks.. A friend of mine just introduced me to these new reads. I'm thinking they may be fun pool reads for July(: