
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

So Much Excitement So Little Time

Recently it seems like I have so many things to look forward to that I am wound up with excitement ALL day. Seriously... the past two nights I have been up until midnight or later just thinking about all of the exciting changes that will soon take place. Changes have always made me a mix of a ball of energy and a nervous wreck. Who else can't sleep before the first day of school? That's a huge change if I say so myself. Here are the things occupying my mind right now:

1. I should wait on this because it is not a done deal yet but I can't hold it in any longer. I might be getting a NEW to me car!! Insert huge grin. More on that later!

2. I'm moving back to Greenville very soon into a house with two of my friends who are also teachers! yay! I'm actually loading the Uhaul and moving my furniture down there today!

3. I'm going to the Bahamas in less than a week! Come Monday I will be in the Bahamas relaxing in the sun with one of my best friends from college!

4. I turn 23 while in the Bahamas! Happy birthday to me!

5. When I get back from the Bahamas my school will finally be open which means I can start getting my classroom ready! Oh my word. I know I was excited for summer but I have been itching to get back into my classroom.

HA.. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this thinking about all
of the bowls, craft supplies, beans, etc. I brought from home last year.

With all those exciting things happening I am a ball of energy. Who can blame me?! I'm definitely feeling very blessed this Tuesday!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday friends! I had the best weekend that went by way too fast. They all seem to just fly by! Justin got here Friday afternoon just in time to have a drink and hang out with the family and the hounds on the deck. Other than some pesty mosquitoes it was the absolute perfect evening! We grabbed dinner at Sagebrush and called it a pretty early night. 

Saturday I introduced J to one of my favorite breakfast restaurants and then we headed to my family reunion. I honestly wasn't sure how fun the reunion would be at first but we ended up having the BEST time. It's so nice to catch up with family you only see a couple times a year. We ended up leaving a little early because we had to get back to celebrate a family friend's 21st birthday! 

This is my grandmother on a jet ski.. definitely a sight to see for those that know her! 

Caroline is my little sisters age but she is basically a sister to me. This girl has been ready to turn 21 since she was about 14 and I couldn't have been happier to celebrate the night with her! We are celebrating again next weekend when we go see Scotty McCreery!

A late night before called for a lazy Sunday. We rented the movie 21 and over which was pretty funny. We also ventured out to Kmart where I found the foam mats I was looking for! I never would have thought to look there but a sweet blog friend told me they might have them. (thanks again Addison!) Sure enough they did. They were also the cheapest I have seen them. Justin bought them for me as a early birthday present! (: I felt like a kid on Christmas.. so excited! Now I can't wait to get them in my classroom! While at Kmart J decided to be silly and convinced me to take this picture.. [side note.. I was SO nervous. I just knew we were going to get in trouble. He said it was the only way I could have the mats I wanted so badly though so up I went.] 

Friday, July 19, 2013

5 on Friday

I'm excited to be linking up today for Five on Friday! Be sure to check out the lovely ladies hosting the link up. They are easily some of my favorite blog reads daily! Hello! Happiness, A. Liz AdventuresThe Good Life, and Carolina Charm

Call me crazy but y'all.. I have been thinking about Fall lately. Don't get me wrong I LOVE summer but these blazing hot temps have me secretly dreaming of riding boots, sweaters, and pumpkin spice lattes. I'm not ready for summer to end by any means but I am definitely looking forward to what is soon to come! 

Target does it again. I LOVE Target.. they have absolutely everything you need and everything you don't need but just have to have. During my last Target visit I found the same planner I used last year but in a new print. I had debated what I wanted to use for my main work planner this year because I was given the small Lilly Planner as a gift. I love this planner oh so much but was afraid the smaller size wouldn't work as well for work. The planner I used last year worked perfect so when I stumbled on it again for just $10 I knew I had to get it. I'm going to use this planner for work and the Lilly one for personal use! It's a win win! As a side note: I'm going to put a white monogram sticker on the front of the planner for a little personal touch. Also, I wanted to sneak in my other target find.. I can't wait to put this new colorful ottoman in my classroom!

I want.need.havetohave. these mats for my classroom this year! Last year I did without a rug and it made carpet time very difficult. My babies just didn't have an idea of what "personal" space was. Traditional classroom rugs can be VERY expensive but these puzzle piece mats would do the same job for much cheaper! Only problem.. My hometown Sears is sold out and I'm not a member of Sams club. Does anyone know somewhere else that sells these puzzle piece mats in primary colors?

Sometimes I want things to happen right when I want them to. It's important to always remember who is in control. We might not understand His timing but sometimes I don't think we are supposed to understand. Instead I want to live having faith that God is in control of all things. 

It's the weekend! Hip hip hooray! I am excited to spend this weekend with my loved ones. Justin is coming to town tonight and then we have a busy weekend ahead! Saturday is my family reunion and that night is my {basically family} little sisters 21st birthday party! Here is to a weekend of celebrating family and friends!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Things you just can't say no to..

I have realized I have a few guilty pleasures I just cannot seem to stay away from! Yesterday I was shopping at Ann Taylor Loft and realized every time I make a payment I tend to buy something else. It's an evil endless cycle my friends! This store is one I simply can't stay away from! That got me thinking of some of my favorite things that I just can't seem to stray away from this summer.

Ann Taylor Loft
I scored this dress on sale yesterday!

Dunkin Donuts coffee with Cinnamon flavor may be my newest addiction!

Oversized Tank Tops
I love my newest one from The Southern Shirt Company
It seems like I wear it everyday.. So comfy!!

Criminal Minds

What are some things you just can't seem to stay away from? Happy Thursday friends! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Book Review and Some Perspective

I spent some time this summer in Orange Beach, Alabama visiting family. While there my mom and I checked out some of the local shops. One of our favorites we came across was a small Pack and Mail shop. It was just a packing/shipping store but it carried several books by a local author and had the friendliest staff. We were convinced we had to purchase a book after hearing how inspiring this author was. The owner of the store told us once we read it, he knew we would be back for another book by Andy Andrews.

I spent that day on the beach reading the book we picked up called The Noticer, by Andy Andrews. It turns out the owner of the store was right. I read the book in one day and returned the next ready for another one. If you are looking for a new book to read this summer I can't recommend this one enough!
This book is a true story but also mixes autobiography and fiction into it. One reason I think this book is so powerful is because it is so easy to read while being a true story. This book is about a town full of ordinary people who deal with everyday struggles. Finances, Divorce, Aging.. etc. An older man named Jones shows up just when the people of Orange Beach feel defeated and hopeless. With just a few words of wisdom, Jones offers people a new perspective that is able to change their life forever. 

After reading this book you will be ready to reevaluate your perspective on life! I can't tell you enough that this book is simply amazing! I'm reading another one of his now called The Heart Mender. I will be sure to share when I finish! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Living Healthy

This is one of the most talked about topics with girls my age in my opinion. Everyone wants to live an active and healthy lifestyle. It's easy however to fall into a yoyo habit. A few months eating right and exercising, and then a few months of doing just the opposite. That has always been the case for me anyway! Back in January I made a goal to start eating healthy and working out regularly. I really got into it, dropping a few pounds, ran a 5K and just felt better. Since school has ended though and my summer routine changed I find myself slipping out of healthy living. I thrive on routine and the change of living, weather and schedule has started to take it's toll. 

Enough of that though! I am ready to "forget" about the last month and a half of taking the easy way and get back on my health kick. The best part about it though is Justin is going to do it with me! Everything is more fun with a partner of course! We are going to try out the couch to 5K program together. I've heard great things about it.. has anyone else tried it? If you aren't familiar with Couch to 5K it is a running program designed to ease you into running. It's a ten week program that gradually increases your running time.

I'm excited to start over my journey of living healthy. (Notice I did not say diet- it's definitely a lifestyle change!) Along with the couch to 5K program we are also going to really watch what we eat. I have lots of fresh fruits and veggies calling my name! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hodgepodge of July So Far

Someone please tell me this is normal.... Okay, y'all , seriously, I LOVE blogging. It became a hobby that I truly enjoy and look forward to. At the same time, I have become not very good at all when it comes to posting regularly! This is what happens.. I get so caught up in reading all the other blogs out there that by the time I am ready to write my own post something has come up. What gives?! Haha, maybe I should start posting before I read the other lovely blogs out there. 

Now on to a little update from happenings so far this July. I started out the month at the beach with Justin ready to celebrate the 4th of July. We had a great week preparing for the holiday! I had some extra time on my hands so I experimented in the kitchen with homemade whoopee pies and pink lemonade cupcakes.

I spent the actual 4th on the beach with Justin's family. We couldn't have asked for better weather or better company! 

That same weekend after the 4th we did a little traveling to visit some friends. We spent one night in Greensboro visiting some of Justin's friends that recently got married. It was a fun night relaxing in the hot tub and by the pool catching up! The next morning we headed to Charlotte to visit one of my good friends from college who also happens to be my little. She just got engaged and officially asked me to be a bridesmaid in the wedding! I'm so happy and excited to celebrate this chapter of her life! I have to admit I teared up when she "officially" asked me to be part of the wedding. While in Charlotte we also had a chance to check out Mike and Sarah's new house they are building. So much going on for those two! 

I was sad for this very busy but fun weekend to end on Sunday! The next day I headed home to visit my parents. One reason I didn't blog any last week is because I had a little bit of a surprise pop up. I went in for a normal dentist appointment on Wednesday. I was there to have my teeth cleaned and thats it. Well 30 minutes in the office and my dentist decided that not only did I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out but he could do it RIGHT THEN. Definitely not something I was expecting! I knew when school started back I would be crazy busy so I agreed. I have been putting it off for quite some time anyway. I spent the first few days resembling a blow fish but thankfully the swelling has gone down. If only I can get back to eating normal food I will be golden! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Orange Beach Recap

Good morning friends! Last time I posted I attempted to recap my trip to Orange Beach on my phone. I wasn't a big fan of having a small screen and tiny keypad. I'm SO happy to be back to my computer with internet to write  a blog post my normal way! 

My mom and I headed to Orange Beach, Alabama for a week of fun and family time. My aunt and uncle have a house at OB and we were fortunate enough to visit for an entire week! There house is across from a marina so we saw ENORMOUS boats go by all day long.   My favorite part of the trip was knowing I was looking at the Gulf of Mexico instead of the Atlantic Ocean. A beach is a beach, always amazing, but it was special to be somewhere different! [Prepare for a picture overload] 

just pretending to be cool.. You can call me Captain Amanda 

Oh. Em. Gee.. gorgeous

My mom and Aunt Connie 

Me and mom (please ignore the fact I have NO makeup on) 

My uncle and his baby sea turtle catch

baby sea turtle. No worries, they let him go! 
(...After trying to feed him Ritz Crackers..) 

These were all taken out on my cousins boat. This ride out on the water was a highlight of the trip. It really was so nice to go out by boat and explore the area. I couldn't help but to go picture crazy! Another highlight was shopping at a place called The Wharf. It's an outdoor shopping/entertainment center. Southern Tide, Patagonia, Vineyard Vines, The Southern Shirt Company, Over Under, Guy Harvey, RayBan... you name it, they had it. When I could break away from the shopping I was able to join my mom and aunt for happy hour, live music over the water, a laser light show, and ferris wheel ride. I think this is my new happy place-- I'm ready to go back already!! 

Happy Hour time

I know this post is getting long but if you can hang on I just have one more thing! Thanks to my families seafood cooking skills we were able to cook Shrimp and Mahi one night. I love seafood but have very little experience actually cooking it myself. I observed and took notes and am now ready to try to cook some on my own! Ha, we will see how it goes(: I helped prepare the meal by learning how to de-head shrimp. Oh my, my friends that know me would laugh at the sight. It wasn't bad though, I now consider myself a shrimp de-heading expert. (; 

me with my shrimp head 

I'm blessed to have such wonderful family. It was truly a wonderful trip! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Follow Me on Bloglovin

Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin before the switch from Google Reader occurs! 

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