
Friday, March 30, 2012

Carolina Cup

It's finally Friday!! My blogging has been slack this week because I have been sick, had to finish my senior portfolio and had lesson planning for next week to do. It is now Friday however and I am FINISHED with everything!! After all the hard work it is such a sweet feeling! In just a little bit I will be loading up the car with sundresses, jack rogers and floppy hats. I'm Columbia, SC bound for the weekend.

Carolina Cup weekend is by far one of my favorite events of the year. Every spring hundreds of ECU students pack up and head up to SC for the weekend. Everyone stays in the same hotel (I apologize for the families staying), everyone eats at the same places, everyone goes to the same bars. It is so neat to be 4+ hours away but see SO many fellow students and friends. My friends and I will be heading to Columbia for the night where we will meet up with some old friends that attend USC. When I was a sophomore and attended Carolina Cup I met some guys from USC and have been able to keep in touch and remain friends ever since. I even went back for his formal one year!

We will all be heading out tonight for a few drinks at our favorite college bar- Pavlov's. Despite the guaranteed fun, but late night we will be waking up bright and early to get dressed up in sundresses and floppy hats to head to Camden, SC for Carolina Cup 2012. Here there will be no shortage of Lilly Pulitzer, Vineyard Vines, seersucker, bow ties, bows and floppy hats. If you have been following me for a while you may have picked up on my roommate and I having matching cups for all kinds of events. (yes we are entirely that cheesy) We couldn't let the tradition die this weekend so we will be sporting monogrammed mason jars(;
I'll be back Sunday very tired but with lots of stories to share. If you're at cup and see me be sure to say hello! Have a great weekend!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Work Hard, Play Harder

Work hard, Play harder..

That is my  motto this week my friends. You see on Thursday I have to turn in the biggest assignment I have had to complete since I have been in college. I kid you not, this sucker is big. 40 single spaced pages of information, video clips, and lesson plans with 9 rubrics being used to score this sucker. That's my final Elementary Education Portfolio that is due in just a few short days.

It's okay though. (Not really, but it has to be right? ha, kidding!) I have come to accept the fact that every night this week will be spent working on nothing but this portfolio until the wee hours of the night. So far the past two nights have contained lots of coffee, some Hootie and the Blowfish, not much sleep and every now and then glancing up at my Carolina Cup dress.

Glancing up at my dress is random, I know! That's where my motto comes into affect however. I am going to bust my you know what to get this portfolio done this week (work hard) so that this weekend I can play harder!! I'm BEYOND excited to leave for Carolina Cup 2012 this Friday after my internship! This is one of my favorite events of the entire year. If I have to have a miserable week preparing my portfolio that is A-okay with me because this weekend will be just enough fun to make up for all the hard work! 

Are any of you ladies going this year?
Alright back to work for me!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Finally Friday!

After being at school until 7:30 pm last night for parent teacher conferences I am happy to finally say IT"S FRIDAY! It is finally the end of the work week and I couldn't be happier. It's a teacher workday at school, also known as, "I get to wear blue jeans and eat lunch like a normal person" day. Luckily for me I work with a great second grade team and school staff so teacher workdays are always enjoyable (or as enjoyable as a workday can be). At 3pm I will be heading to my packed car to head home for the weekend. I can't wait to get home and see my family!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Thoughts

One thing that never fails to make me happy-
Country Music

I am a huge country music fan and have been for quite some time. I know some people say it's all the same mumble jumble but for me that's not what it is at all. I love how there is ALWAYS a song I can relate to. You will rarely catch me not listening to music. I have my Ipod on while I get ready, in the shower, in the car, at my desk before and after my students arrive/leave, when I'm walking, when I'm cooking.. seriously, always. There are a few go to country songs that immediately bring a smile to my face. It could be because they are just that good, because the beat makes me want to tap my foot or because they bring back memories. I don't know why, I just know I love these songs!!

A Woman Like You- Lee Brice

All Day Long- Billy Currington

What Country Is- Luke Bryan

Cleaning This Gun- Rodney Atkins

Calling Baton Rouge- Garth Brooks
Good Ole' American Way- Justin Moore
Hell on Heels- Pistol Annies
Somethin' bout a Truck- Kip Moore
Live a Little- Kenny Chesney

Honestly I could go on all day, I can't pick a favorite!
I think a lot of the songs I listen to remind me to slow down and remember what's important.
Do you love country music? What are your favorite songs?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Welcome Spring

Do you ever think Tuesdays just kind blend in? Monday is the start of the work week, Wednesday is the half way point, Thursday is the "I'm almost there day" and Friday is Friday. Tuesday is just kinda there. I have no real point to this observation. I think it is my ready for the weekend mindset taking over.

This Tuesday is a tad bit different however! It's the first day of spring and this girl could NOT be happier!! Warmer weather, flowers blooming, all the events that take place, the bright colors and adorable clothing. What is not to love?

Today I will wear something colorful

Go on a long walk

Be thankful for the flowers

and just be happy


Here is some of my spring inspiration from Pinterest. Surely it will have you just as giddy as it has me today!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Best Friends=Best Weekend

Isn't that the truth? There is nothing I love more than being surrounded by people I love. Thankfully for me I have the best girl friends here at school that I could ever ask for! We had quite a busy weekend with the Ducks Unlimited Banquet Friday night and St. Patricks day festivities Saturday/Saturday night.

The Ducks Unlimited banquet was an absolute blast. I mentioned the puppy that would be auctioned off in my last post. It went easily for $1,700-- crazy! I'll leave it at there was lots of food, lots of music, nearly fifteen hundred students, and an open bar. Fun fun!

Saturday I woke up to work the Spring Carnival at my Elementary school, wearing green of course! I have always loved St. Patrick's day and was excited to spend it with the kiddos in the morning and my friends later in the evening! I don't have any pictures from the carnival but it was a good time. When I came home I was tempted to take a nap to recover from DU festivities but with it being St. Patrick's day and 70 degrees with the sun shining that was not an option. I headed to one of my good friends house who was having a get together. Apparently everyone had the same thing in mind because her house ended up turning into quite the gathering.

Saturday night I went out with friends to a local bar. St Patty's day is huge at my school so there were tons of people out. I may or may not have snuck in food coloring to die my drinks green throughout the night.

Unfortunately Sunday the fun was over. After sleeping in rather late, I got busy working on lesson plans, a portfolio and grad school applications. I didn't mind working on these things though because I had a chance to sit on my sun porch with the door open.. I am l-o-v-i-n-g the weather we have had lately!! Perfection! I hope y'all had a great weekend!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Where does the time go

I left you with a weekend recap post and come back to find it's time for another weekend. I know I always say the weekends fly by but this week sure did fly! I normally spend my evenings blogging and catching up on work but this past week we had sunny skies and temperatures in the 70's everyday. My time was spent outside loving every second of it. I think it's safe to say spring like weather is here, hopefully to stay! Taking my kids out to recess has been much more enjoyable since I'm not standing around in a scarf and gloves checking my watch every second!

I start my "all-days" in my internship today. This means that starting today I have full responsibility of the class. Every subject, all day, everyday. I know this will be quite a busy three weeks.

I'm super excited for it to be Friday because I have a very fun weekend planned!! Tonight is the Pirate Chapter Ducks Unlimited banquet. This is a huge event in my town every year. They always have a band, unlimited drinks, unlimited food, an auction and raffles for these adorable lab puppies! It's a fun time for half of my school to dress up, get together and get the boys fired up for duck hunting. Is this a big thing anywhere else?

Saturday is the Spring Carnival at my elementary school. I will be working the pizza station to feed all the kiddos. Afterwards, needless to say, it is St. Patricks day- let the fun begin! I don't have set plans other than to be out and about in full green attire with friends. I love little holidays like this, I get so into them!

I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Doctors Order

This weekend was just what the doctor ordered. Lots of rest and relaxation with some shopping, family, friends and good food. I knew it was going to be a good weekend when I got finished babysitting two hours early on Friday! I had been planning on leaving town around 6 meaning I wouldn't get home until almost 9pm. Since I got off early I got home just in time to join my parents for dinner. My hometown is very small but lately we have had all sorts of new restaurants popping up. Apparently a new Irish restaurant has been the talk of the town since it opened. My parents wanted me to try it so we headed there for dinner. It's called the Celtic Fringe and definitely has an Irish feel. Even our waiter was from Scotland! I ordered shrimp and grits and a traditional Marzen beer. After a long week at school it was definitely appreciated(: I forgot to snap this pic to share until I was half way done eating, whoops!

After dinner I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was proudly in the bed around 9:30 pm. If you asked me one year ago if that is how I ever expected to spend my Friday night at 21 years old I would have laughed. Oh how things change. With the early bed time it also called for an early wake up which was A-Okay with me! Perfect time to have two cups of coffee and catch up on blogs, emails, and facebook stalking my friends who are arriving home from Spring Break. So jealous of all their sunny Bahama pictures!!

Saturday afternoon my mom and I ventured to Greensboro to do a little shopping. I was starting to worry I wouldn't be able to find a Carolina Cup dress. No worries however, I found the perfect little seersucker number! You can't go wrong with seersucker right?! After a little shopping my mom and I headed out for a few drinks with the motto "it's 5 o clock somewhere". I'm so glad we did because we had the BEST time.

All in all it was the perfect weekend. Sunday arrived way too quickly which meant I had to head back to school. I'm ready for the weekend already!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Back to my roots

Yippee! It's Friday!  My days seemed to drag by this week but my week seemed to fly. Does that ever happen to you? Yesterday I had quite the day at elementary school. I was completing part of my portfolio requirements that required video taping. I hate filming myself, I get so nervous! It was also the central office walk through day. Of course it just so happens one of my students spilt my full cup of water causing me to be on my hands and knees cleaning it up when the  central office guy walks in. Just lovely, haha. After several other small situations that seemed big to me I was happy for the day to almost be over. But then, nope! One of my students had a seizure and we had to call the ambulance. As a teacher this is s-c-a-r-y. I was in full panic mood. Thankfully she is going to be okay but I know she is shaken up.

It's finally Friday and I will be heading home to see my parents for the weekend. I am very ready for a little break and to get away. Hopefully I will get a chance to work on some school work. However, every time I go home it seems like my days are jam packed so we will see if any work actually gets done. I hope you have a great Friday!!