Thursday, March 22, 2018

Pregnancy Update Weeks 32-34

Woah.. I can't believe I am already posting about week 34 of pregnancy!! I have been a little MIA lately because life has just been so busy and honestly I just get tired so easily these days. I guess that is to be expected though! Any who.. here we go. 

How far along?
34 Weeks 1 Day

Size of baby?
4.9 pounds and 19-22 inches long
The size of a pineapple!

Strong movements often. Sometimes I look down and can see my stomach moving around and always wonder if my coworkers noticed. Her movements used to feel like cute little flutters but now they are definitely stronger and feel more like pressure instead of flutters.

Back pain (it's no joke and the WORST) .. Mine isn't lower back pain like people normally think during pregnancy.. it's my mid right side. I think it may have something to do with how she is positioned because I can tell she prefers my right side. Tender skin by my rib cage, some indigestion and leg cramps. I'm trying to eat a banana every day to help with the leg cramps and I do think that is helping! 

Tossing and turning a lot trying to get comfortable and up about 3 times a night to use the bathroom.

Weight gain?
28 pounds

I've really been slacking in my walks since I've been so tired after a full work day but I'm hoping to get back into a routine. 

Still loving cereal! And now fresh fruit or anything super cold to drink. I'm so thirsty! I'm also back to not really wanting chicken.

Maternity clothes?
A must! Trying to make what I already have at this point work. Also starting to look into nursing tops and bras. 

He is getting really excited!

Almost complete except for the wall decorations! I've ordered new curtains and a picture to hang above the crib so now I'm just waiting for them to come in. I also ordered a mirror but it's too small so we are on the hunt again. This weekend Justin and his dad are going to add some shelving to the closet. It's coming along and I can't wait to finally get it finished! I've also started washing and organizing all of her clothes. 

Looking Forward To?
I'm so excited to see some of my out of town friends this weekend at my baby shower! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pregnancy Update Weeks 30-31

How far along?
31 Weeks 2 Days.. It's starting to get real! 

Size of baby?
3 pounds and 16-18 inches long

This has been the biggest change.. I have felt babies movements for a while now but this past week they have gotten A LOT stronger. I think she likes to do somersaults in there! 

The pressure under my rib cage has gotten better.. maybe she moved lower?! I honestly feel pretty good except for some back pain. My mother in law loaned me a heating pad that has been a life saver! 

Still snuggling up to my snooogle and sleeping pretty good!

Weight gain?
25 pounds


I've been walking a lot more now that the weather is warming up. I'm aiming for 30 minute walks each day with a few 45 min/hour+ walks one or two times a week. 

Cereal for every meal and I would be happy 

Maternity clothes?
I'm on the hunt for a baby shower dress but just don't love anything I've found! I've bought two dresses that I ended up returning because I feel like they made me look way bigger than I actually am. Anyone have a good third trimester dress they just love?! 

Justin finally got to really feel Anna Claire kicking .. I love sharing these moments with him! 

Our glider has arrived thanks to my mom and mother in law and the carpet has been ripped up. New floors are going down this weekend and I'm trying to decide on a rug!

Looking Forward To?
I have a hour long prenatal massage coming up this weekend and I am SO excited for it!