
Thursday, February 28, 2013

March Madness

Is anyone else in complete shock that the first day of March is this Friday? Seriously, where does time go? Spring is in 21 days exactly in case you were wondering. I still feel like a brand new teacher trying to plan pumpkin math for the fall... not someone who almost has their 1st year of teaching over with and has spring break coming up! Crazy, crazy, crazy. 

I was recently looking through my phone at pictures from this time last year. I was one happy girl enjoying the last little bit of college. I'm so happy to be where I am but wish I could go back sometimes! Looking back at pictures from this time last year made me also look back at my blog post from a year ago. I think being able to look back at my little journey though life is the best part of keeping a blog. It's so interesting and sometimes amusing to see what I had to say a year ago. Things have completely changed for sure. Oddly enough almost one year ago I did a recap of where I was a year ago. How strange! The warm weather must get me wanting to reflect on things, ha. 

While I'm reflecting I think it would be a good time to check up on some goals I made back in January. You may remember this post where I made myself spring goals. (I skipped out on the whole New Years Resolution). To me setting goals for the upcoming season seemed much more manageable. We haven't reached the end yet so I have lots more work to do but here is my progress so far:

1. Eat healthier- check! 

I've been eating MUCH healthier. Now I still have my occasional slip ups (cough cough, mexican food..) My goal wasn't to eat perfect though- it was to eat healthier. There have been tons of fresh produce in this girls kitchen lately! 

2. Drink more water and less soda- check! 

I have cut soda out completely and it feels great!
 I still need to drink more water though. 

3. Gym grind- check! 

On average I've been going to the gym 3-5 times a week. 

4. Run a 5k- hmm

I've found one, I've been working on it.. Not quite there yet. 

5. Take a concealed carry class- I plan to do this closer to spring! 

6. Find a teaching job in a new city- 

My application has been sent to Wake County and 
Guilford County so for now we will wait and see. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


It's that time.. 
What I'm Loving Wednesday 

I'm loving.. 

all of the fun Dr. Seuss activities my kiddos are doing this week. 
Today is Wacky Wednesday themed. We will be going on a hunt for all the wacky things in our classroom when they arrive. 

That tomorrow is a half day and Friday is a workday. Workdays are such a nice, and needed break from the kiddos. 

That Spring is JUST around the corner 

These shoes that I'm tempted to add to my spring/summer wardrobe

This adorable home-- one day girls, one day! 

These Sperry Top Sider Hayden Penny Loafers 

and these Dr. Seuss themed words.. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Catch Up

This past weekend went by at record speed for this girl. I wish we had just one more day to enjoy but oh well. I have lots to catch up on so expect a picture heavy post. (: 

I went to the Ducks Unlimited banquet
(where I fell in love with the most adorable yellow lab)

I celebrated my little sisters 21st birthday. I officially feel OLD now

I checked out several classes at my gym I've never done before.
Bodystep, Bodypump and Bodycombat. I've been doing Body Attack and absolutely love it. Is anyone else on the Les Mills kick? I'm really loving all of the classes and can already tell a difference in mussel strength and endurance. 

I also went swimming for the first time in give or take 2+ years. Seriously, yall.. That is tough work. I was able to get back to swimming a 500 (slowly) before I left though. yay! 

I attended the Campbell Law School Barristers Ball in Raleigh, where I arrived in a pepto bismal pink limo. Yep, no joke. It was the highlight of the night I would have to say. 

..and today marks Dr. Seuss/Spirit week at school! Let the fun begin!(:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! 

I will be spending mine with my 21 valentines (at school of course) the gym with my new tennis shoes (yay!)

..and by cooking dinner with my roomies 

How are you spending yours?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's that time again- time to link up with This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

 I'm loving that Valentines day has given me the perfect excuse to wear pink everyday this week. 

I'm loving that we are that much closer to the weekend. I have 2 friends coming in town , my mom coming to town, and my little sisters 21st birthday to celebrate!! 

I'm LOVING LOVING (yes double loving) that I got the BEST report from my substitue on Monday. I had to attend a 1/2 day training on Monday which meant I also had to leave my kids with a sub for a half day. Maybe I'm overprotective but I was not loving the idea of leaving my babies for the 1st time. I returned Tuesday morning with an amazing note from the sub about how wonderful my kids were and my lesson/teaching! Insert huge grin here-! It was just what I needed to hear. 

I love that I found this fall view of my college campus on pinterest 

Finally, I'm loving these words of wisdom

Monday, February 11, 2013

Here we go again

...and it's Monday again. The weekends always go by way too fast and Monday's alarm is always the hardest to wake up to. Here we are though at the start of another week. Valentines week! 

I was very low key this weekend and it was just what I needed. When I say low key I mean I was literally in my house other than leaving for church, the gym and dinner one night. This gave me lots of time to lesson plan and catch up on sleep. Y'all.. I even took a nap on Saturday. I don't remember the last time I had time for a nap. It was heavenly. 

Saturday I went to the gym with my little sister. (She isn't too little though seeing as she turns 21 next weekend!) We spent a good 2+ hours there and it was awesome. I've really been trying to stick with eating healthier and working out more. For all you runners out there ignore this next part. If you have followed me for a while you may remember me posting about how much I hate running. I've never been able to keep it up. Even the thought of running a 1/2 mile would make me cringe. Well, I have been working hard at it for the past month or so and on Saturday this girl was able to run 2 miles straight. I know for all the avid runners out there that isn't much. For me it was such a huge accomplishment though! I'm even more motivated now to keep going. I plan on running a 5K this spring so I still have lots of work to do! 

I also started a new all girls bible study. We met for the first time last night and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with such a great group of girls. Last night was more of a meet and greet but next week we will be diving in to the book The Circle Maker. Ever heard of it? 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Calling all gals in their 20's

Happy Thursday friends!! I came across a link to a page this morning called "What It's Like To Be A 20-Something As Told By Mean Girls, Bridesmaids and Girls". Because no one really warns you how hard it's going to be. If I didn't have to walk out the door in about 7 minutes for work I think I could say quite a few things about this topic. I'm out of time though and this link does a pretty comical job so without further ado, here ya go... 

You can click there^

I defiantly got a very relatable laugh out of it(:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

100th day of school

Yesterday marked the 100th day of school in first grade. It's hard to believe how fast this year is going by! Looking back my students have accomplished so much. [Insert one proud teacher grin] We celebrated the 100th day with lots of 100 number themed activities. We also had the students dress up like they were 100. Some of the outfits were absolutely darling! 

Can you see all the personality our class has? Trust me it's LOTS (:

Even Miss Holden got in on the action 


I wish I had taken more pictures of the activities and decorations but as always the day was crazy and fast paced. 

Now just 80 more days to go! I think we can make it(:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Keeping it real at the Superbowl

Happy Monday! I don't have to ask if you saw the Superbowl last night. From my twitter feed I'm absolutely certain everyone in America did. I'm not a big NFL fan .. I'm more of a college football kinda girl. I even debated calling it an early night and skipping out on all of the hype. I of course rethought that though because even though I'm not a huge football fan there was plenty of action going on to keep me entertained. Here is what caught my attention on Superbowl Sunday.. 

Joe Flacco 
hello gorgeous.. 

Beyonce killed it. Y'all.. seriously, she just had a baby. Absolutely and bringing out Destiny's Child?! I nearly had a panic attack. Bringing me back to my glory days. I was tempted to spend the power outage of the second half practicing my single lady dance moves(; I kid I kid. 

"Calvin Klein for the win"
..If you missed this I'm sorry. You can probably
 youtube it but be prepared for your jaw to drop. 

109 yards in 11 seconds. 
Speechless. I can hardly make it up my steps in 11 seconds much less run a football field. 

..and finally, twitter. Half of my night was spent laughing at tweets while taking breaks to watch the commercials. It was a great night for social media for sure. 

So there you have it. Not your typical Superbowl post but that is what kept me at the edge of my seat last night. What were your highlights of the night?

Friday, February 1, 2013


I have very little to say today.. all I can think is TGIF!! Y'all.. it's seriously been the LONGEST week ever. I think I was spoiled last week with a day off, 2 teacher workdays and an early release. 

I am heading home to see my parents this weekend (yay!) Now that I've made it to Friday if I can just make it to 3:00... 

Happy Friday!