Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Shopping Side tracked

Tis the season y'all! 
It's the season to give, which means the season to shop. 

It's no surprise that this girl loves to shop. I can't help but to instantly get a "mood lift" every time a good purchase(or deal) has been made. Along with shopping though also comes the downfall of "should I really have spent that money? probably not.. Did I really need that? ..not really" which can be a  bit of a buzz kill if you ask me. Lucky for us, It's the season to shop shop shop and not feel so guilty! I absolutely LOVE picking out gifts for loved ones this time of year. Unfortunately, shopping for a mother, grandmother, sister and friends I am all too often in girly shops where the temptation to make purchases for myself is stronger than ever.  Does anyone else get side tracked when Christmas shopping? I always seem to find something for myself in the process, ha. 

During the black Friday shopping rush I scored a few items that I have been extremely happy with! 

1. Cheetah flats
These aren't the exact ones but very similar 

2. the softest neutral color sweater 
(once again, not the exact one but similar) 

3. Mint/Teal statement necklace 

Hopefully I can make it through the rest of my holiday shopping without splurging on myself. I am happy with these items though! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, lots of food, and maybe a little shopping. My family hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year which meant my mom and sister did  most of the cooking. I helped in some ways (like making the Bloody Mary drinks for mom and I, ha) but couldn't do too much as I found watching my sister maneuvering around the kitchen amusing. She is a rookie in the kitchen and had a couple little humorous mishaps. 

After a late lunch that was delicious, I of course had to take a small nap before my sister and I attempted Black Friday shopping. I have never participated in the trend believe it or not. Ginny and I thought we would hop on the band wagon in search of deals on clothing. I am obviously not a pro at the whole midnight shopping thing and could hardly stay awake come 8pm. We decided to go to a 10pm movie to kill some time before the stores opened at 12. We went to see the movie Pitch Perfect. We also might have had a slight blonde moment on our journey though.. As we were sitting in the theatre waiting on the movie to start we kept seeing guys walk in. Of course it is not abnormal for guys to head to the theatre but we did think it was odd we were the ONLY girls to see this semi girly movie. Only after laughing at these boys for a good 15 minutes did we realize maybe, just maybe, were we in the wrong movie. Sure enough, yes we were. We were sitting in the middle of Red Dawn. We got a good laugh before awkwardly walking out and heading to the right movie. 

The movie ended just in time for shopping! I was able to score a couple deals for myself, part of my sisters gift and a gift for my mom. I think shopping was a success! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Eve

Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone! It's only appropriate that I share what I am thankful for this time of  year! I am truly blessed, and have much to express gratitude for. 

First and foremost I am thankful for my family!
I mean it when I say I don't know what I would do without them. 

and of course Cooper and Charlie are part of the family! 

I'm thankful for my wonderful group of friends that 
seem to always be there

I'm thankful for my job and my kiddos that bring a smile to my face everyday

I'm thankful for my faith and my God. 

those are some of the more important things I'm thankful for. 
I'm one lucky girl if I may so say myself! 

and of course there is all that little stuff too(:
should I continue? ha, just picking!! 

Happy Thanksgiving Eve y'all! Tonight seems to be the night to be thankful with hometown friends while tomorrow is all family. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Perfect Saturday

It's not often that I come across a Saturday where I literally have NOTHING to do. This past weekend I had one of those days though and it was absolutely perfect. Of course football games, shopping, social events, etc.. are all fun but sometimes it's nice to just not have anything on the agenda. 

I was rather lame Friday night and ended up in bed before 10:30. That was okay though because I woke up early Saturday feeling refreshed and ready to go. I enjoyed the first part of my morning with some Chai tea, blogging and morning news shows. That morning routine is one of my favorite parts of the day but unfortunately there is no time for that kinda thing on week day mornings. Once I was nice and relaxed I decided to head to the gym. I got a VERY good workout in that I am still sore from. It feels good to be a little sore though because I know it was time well spent. 

After the gym I went to my friend Ashley's house to take her new puppy on a walk. She recently got a golden retriever puppy who is absolutely PRECIOUS. We walked Layla all around ECU's campus which was absolutely gorgeous with the fall leaves. 

Seriously, how perfect is she?

When we got back Ashley convinced me to try out her Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout video.  It was another good little workout for the day which probably contributed to my soreness today. 

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, cleaning and seeing friends. To me it really was the perfect Saturday. It left me as one happy happy girl! 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Healthy Change

I have made two changes in the past week that I hope to stick with in hope of a healthier me. Last weekend I mentioned I was celebrating a friends birthday on Friday night. My friend is a coworker who also teaches first grade. We had the absolute best time laughing and enjoying  a band at a local tavern. We joked that most of our crowd were teachers and the fact that even though we had left school we couldn't quite escape it as most of our stories were about our kids. I woke up relaxed Saturday and had the thought "hey, I don't have anything to do tomorrow AND don't have school Monday." With that in mind a made a spur of the moment decision to head home to see my parents. While home my mom made me a cup of Chai Tea. 

Here is where my healthy change comes in. I am a HUGE coffee drinker. I love everything about coffee, and often wish it was acceptable to drink it all day everyday. I have been skeptical about hot tea but after trying one cup my mom made me I am hooked. Yes, I still love coffee BUT if Chai Tea is just (or almost) as good as coffee why not make the switch. After doing  a little bit of research I have learned that tea has a ton of health benefits that coffee does not offer.  It is also very relaxing which is nice considering I work with 6 year olds all day. To put it simply, it's healthier. Enough said, I've made the switch. I'm enjoying a cup of Vanilla Chai Tea now! 

...and change number two, I'm so excited about!

 I joined a gym! 
A real gym, with real people and trainers, that I actually have to pay for, unlike in college. 

I am not a huge fitness buff and doubt I ever will be. I am however health consceience and realize that coming home after work and sitting on the couch until bed is not the best idea. I'm excited about my new gym and hope it's something I can stick with for the long run. The main reason I joined this particular gym is because they offer a wide range of fitness classes. Since I have joined I have tried out Party Jam, Zumba and Hot Yoga. 

Here is where I will smile and say hot yoga?  I might not be back at that one for a while. I think I was NOT in a beginners class and thought I was going to suffocate by the end. Yes, not again for a while. Maybe I should have given normal yoga a try first.. 

and just for fun..

Friday, November 9, 2012

Finally Friday

I survived my first round of parent conferences last night.. 

I get to celebrate a friends birthday tonight

It's a three day weekend 

Happy Friday!! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Fun

Just a note: I have no idea who has won/will win the 2012 Presidential Election when I write this post. While the election can bring stress and anticipation it can also bring hope, excitement and a little bit of fun! There is something magical about not knowing what to expect and having hope. My election fun started yesterday when my kids got a taste of the political process. To bring it down to a first grade level my grade level hosted a 2012 Cookie Election. Who will win.. chocolate chip cookies or butter? Students were able to taste test, cast a ballot and vote on their favorite cookie. 

Well votes were cast and chocolate chip it is! 

It's been said that southerners will use any excuse to throw a party. I've heard of everything from it's fall parties to hurricane parties. (yes.. let's have a party because there is a hurricane? not one of my finer moments from college) Just like a reason to celebrate us southerners also love any reason to dress up. Being election day I of course had to sport red, white and blue today! 

To watch the election coverage several girls and I got together to celebrate. We made cupcakes, dip and mulled wine. [just a side note... if it was socially/physically acceptable to drink nothing but pumpkin spice latte's and mulled wine I would do it. Those two things make me the happiest girl in the world] It was so much fun to watch and discuss the coverage with the girls!

Question for my teacher friends:

I really want to set up a website where I can post pictures of my students for parents to see. I also want to make sure it is private, safe and free. Does anyone know of a good site to use?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Election Day 2012 is here
It is such an important day in America. I hope you all take the time to vote. 

Yesterday the kiddo's exercised their right to vote with a cookie election. It was so much fun!! They were able to taste test two different kinds of cookies and fill out a ballot on their favorite. We then headed to the "polls" (In the hallway) and all of first grade cast their vote. We find out who the winner is today. We had to celebrate Election day one day early at school because today is the 50th day of school! Time is FLYING by. 

I personally am glad it is Election day and all of this campaigning can STOP. I feel strongly about one party HOWEVER... I think it is easy for both side to get carried away in campaigning and take it overboard. I'm tired of the negativity and I'm tired of people who don't know what they are talking about pretending like they do.

I'll be at school rocking my red white and blue celebrating the 50's today. Have a great day! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Football Mania

Whew, what an eventful weekend for college football! This past weekend I decided to head to my hometown. I needed a break from Greenville and all of the events Pirate football brings. Little did I know when I made the trip home that I would end up with box seats to the NC State game. Saturday may not have been the restful day I originally had planned for but it sure was fun!

Let's recap the day:

ECU played at noon against Houston and WON!! 
GO PIRATES! I'm sad I missed this one! 

While the pirates were playing their little hearts out, I was at the NC State 
football game watching the wolf packs have a not so great game day. 
I'm not a state fan (obviously for known reasons) but couldn't help feeling 
bad for them. Not a great homecoming. Maybe next time pack. 

I got home from the game just in time to regroup and head to Greensboro
to watch the most important game. Alabama VS. LSU. 

This was a HUGE game and Alabama was able to pull off a win. So proud! 
I got to watch the game with my parents and several friends which made it that much more fun. 

Who were you pulling for this weekend?
Happy Monday!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The awkward 22

I hope I'm not the only one that feels this way.. If I am though this is my blog and it's the truth so I guess it's okay..


There is no road map to life which can make growing up very confusing at times. When you are younger your main focus for the future is getting an education. High school on to college, simple as that. After graduation however things get a little bit more tricky. Life is full of so many opportunities, choosing what fits you best is easier said than done though.  Being a twenty something young adult this is what I am constantly around:

Friends getting engaged/married/pregnant
 while the other half happily lives up the young single lifestyle

Friends beginning their career
while the other half travels and lives carefree

Friends beginning to save money and pay bills
while the other half spends on things meaningful for a happy lifestyle such as traveling, gym memberships, etc.

bars Saturday night, church Sunday morning

I know life is all about doing what is right for yourself, not following anyone else's path. Sometimes I wish it what a little bit simpler than that. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY happy with how my life is going right now. But I also wonder sometimes if I am making all of the right decisions to live a balanced and fulfilling life. At times I wish I could go back to high school when my biggest concern was choosing a college and what to wear to school. Now it's all about money, relationships, careers, etc. (while still trying to pick the perfect outfit, I guess some things never change!)