I was Reading the May issue of Better Homes and Gardens and came across an article entitled "Things to Do This Month." I think they have listed three fabulous ideas and decided to share with the blog world in case you missed it! I am planning on doing all three things and hope you will too!
1. Special Delivery
Ever heard of the May Basket? May is just around the
corner and it is the perfect time to fill a basket with treats
such as flowers, cookies or candy and secretly
leave it on the doorstep of someone special.
2. The time is Ripe
It's National Strawberry Month! Look for
a local strawberry festival or make homemade
chocolate dipped strawberries!
3. Pet Protect
Be kind to animals week is May 1-7, pay extra
attention to your furry friend. Maybe go for
an extra long walk.
Chocolate dipped strawberries? Wow that sounds good right about now. I'll definitely pay extra attention to my kitty the first week of May. If thats even possible
I think I'm going to have to make a May Basket for someone, that's such a fun idea!