
Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Love Beach Music

I always have and I always will 
There aint no other kind of music in the world 
that gives me quite the thrill 

I'm so excited for today!! I am about to get ready and head downtown Myrtle Beach for the Mayfest Beach Music Festival. I'm so excited to wear my new seersucker dress and shag the day away! If you are from the Carolina's you will most likely be familiar with the lineup. We have 

The Craig Woolard Band 
Atlantic Groove
The Catalinas 
Too Tight 
The Embers 
Chubby Checker 
The Spinners 

When Chubby Checker plays we are attempting to set a world record for the most people doing "The Twist" at the same time. Whew Who!

What do you have planned on this Sunny Saturday?
Have a great day!!

Friday, April 29, 2011


I hope you are all in as great of a mood as I am! OF COURSE I watched the Royal Wedding this morning as I'm sure most of you did. How amazing? Kate looked simple but stunning and the entire ceremony was breathtaking. I expected nothing less. I guess I should have known but I had no idea the normal "you may kiss the bride" would not be happening! The balcony kiss made up for it. I am in awe/amazement of the entire thing. Ohh to be a princess. After the viewing of the wedding I had an 8am exam that I hopefully aced (fingers crossed) then headed straight off to the beach to spend a weekend with the boy! I think my amazing mood is due to the fact that I just spent the last two hours laying out on the beach with PERFECT weather.  I forgot how relaxing that was! Now we have showered and are about to head out for dinner and shopping. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday night.. I can't wait to tell you about what I have planned for tomorrow!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I can't focus!

Ahh, I can't focus!! I am trying to study for my exam tomorrow but the only thing I can think about is the tornado warning going on and the royal wedding. UGH not good! In my nervousness I am really feeling for the people of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Please keep them in your prayers, many lives were lost and homes were destroyed. Okay I am going to give studying another shot but will update later(:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Whatnots

I don't know about you but in my neck of the woods the weather is crazy! Pouring down rain one second and sunny the next. Rain or shine though I have a fun night planned! A little random but we are having a all girls Guacamole and Strawberry Daiquiri night! Yay! Two of my favorite things, I can't wait. Everyone needs a girls night occasionally, although I think I need one more than occasionally. Every week possibly? haha, they keep me sane!

I finally found my camera cord so I can share pictures from Easter Weekend! Saturday night was the concert and we had a pre Bob Seger Party that turned out to be a lot of fun!


Paula Dean's Squash Boats

8 Layer Salad


Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things to do in May

I was Reading the May issue of Better Homes and Gardens and came across an article entitled "Things to Do This Month." I think they have listed three fabulous ideas and decided to share with the blog world in case you missed it! I am planning on doing all three things and hope you will too!

1. Special Delivery

Ever heard of the May Basket? May is just around the
corner and it is the perfect time to fill a basket with treats
such as flowers, cookies or candy and secretly
 leave it on the doorstep of someone special. 

2. The time is Ripe

It's National Strawberry Month! Look for
a local strawberry festival or make homemade
chocolate dipped strawberries!

3. Pet Protect

Be kind to animals week is May 1-7, pay extra
attention to your furry friend. Maybe go for
an extra long walk.

Monday, April 25, 2011

wonderful weekend recap

I had an amazing Easter weekend and I hope you all did as well! The Bob Seger concert was amazing! I promise to upload pictures later! The late night out had me nervous I would be tired for Easter but I found I was way too excited to be tired. I made deviled eggs, squash boats and strawberries dipped in chocolate out of my Paula Dean cookbook before church. I then headed off for a truly inspirational sermon. After church my family gathered around for a huge meal that I am still stuffed from (probably because of my continuous snacking of the leftovers, ha) The Easter bunny and surprised me with a new bathing suit, shorts and top from Banana Republic.. so exciting! I can't wait to share pictures but it will have to wait until I find my camera cord. Easter night the boy and I went to see Water for Elephants. OMG, AMAZING!! YOU HAVE TO GO SEE IT! I have not read the book but plan on reading it this summer. Love love love!!

Random thought: I am watching Pregnant in Heels right now on Bravo.. How cute is Rosie?!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday Yall!

I am home for Easter weekend and it is so nice! The boy is also joining the family so that is a nice treat. Look how I found him and my other two boys this morning

Today, we are about to head out in the rain to do a little shopping. Shorts and tennis shoes are on the shopping list for us. When we get home tonight we will be meeting my parents for dinner at a new resteraunt downtown. I have heard great things about it and can't wait to try it! Last night we found this adorable deviled egg plate at Lowes Food for $1.99! It will be on our table for Easter lunch!

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bunny Bob and Blog

Three B's- Easter Bunny, Bob Seger and my Blog! That is what today's post is about. While I am writing this please note that I am sitting in my room drenched because of the torrential downpour that started right when I got out of my class and ended right when I got in my car. Haha, just my luck!

Easter Bunny

Isn't it fun that there is some kind of character that comes to mind for events in our life? Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, Cupid, and now the Easter Bunny! We all know the Easter bunny comes every year to bring Easter eggs for you to find and a fun Easter Basket full of candy and gifts. I honestly believed that it was an Easter bunny that dropped off my Easter basket every year when I was younger. I was actually frightened of the idea that a bunny could be life size but always curious as to what color he really was. None the less even now the Easter bunny is on my mind this time the year!

Bob Seger

Okay, I know there are some more Bob Seger fans out there right?? Well if you have been reading my post for a while you will remember that I was a tad bit disappointed when I had to give up my Bob Seger tickets to my aunt. Well for very unfortunate circumstances my aunt and uncle can no longer join my family for Easter. ): As sad as I am, I can't help but be a little excited that I now get my Bob Seger ticket back!! yay! Bob Seger is my moms all time favorite artist and growing up I was constantly exposed to him. Listening to his music is a special connection with my mom and I so I am so so so excited that us two will be heading to see him live on Saturday night! Whew Who!! He may be older but he can still rock! Some of my favorite songs of his include Down on Main Street, Against the Wind, Night Moves and my all time favorite Old Time Rock and Roll

"Call me a relic, call me what you will
Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm over the hill
Today's music ain't got the same soul
I like that old time rock 'n' roll"


I lastly just want to let everyone know how much I am enjoying blogging and reading everyone's blog. Everyone has been extremely sweet so thank you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's Wednesday! And I'm Loving..

It's Wednesday and I am in a fabulous mood!! I'm linking up
with this kind of love to share what has caused this wonderful mood(:

1. I am loving the fact that in just a few short days
I can finally pull out my whites!! Yes I play by the rules
and don't wear whites until Easter but that is so so close!!

2. The fact that I just took my LAST math test and am
now completely done with all of my school work until final exams!

3. The high today is 86 degrees
..That is four degrees away from 90! yay!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Southern Gentleman

Shopping last week with the boy I found myself eyeing all of the spring men's clothing out! For the first time, I was not looking for anything for myself and my full attention was on the men's sections. I was extremely impressed by all of the fun colors and handsome styles. Looking at all the clothing got me thinking about exactly how I wish more guys dressed and acted. What happened to the classic southern gentleman?? There are two things that drive me crazy in a guy..

1. Yes, Everyone has their own style and that is completely fine! 
However please know when and where your style is acceptable. Also
please make sure that style FITS! Those pants go around the
waist.. no where else. Why dont you go ahead and
add a belt just in case? A shirt that is too big is also so
unattractive and too small could be worse.

2. Please open the door for me/carry the groceries/etc. I understand I
am completly capable of opening my own door but if you are interested
in me please show me you have some manners.

And on another note, remember that post I made about the value of hand written cards? One of my favorite blogs is hosting a giveaway for some adorable Kate Spade Correspondence' note cards! Check it out here!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Take Me Here

The 6:45am alarm clock was tough to say the least this morning! After two diet cokes and some pinterest browsing I think I am awake and ready for the day. I am very excited about this day because it is the start of the last full week of classes before exams! Luckily I do not think my exam schedule will be tough this year so if I can just make it through this week I can move on to other lovely things! After exams this is what I want more than anything:

Please take me here.
I will read a hundred books and take a thousand naps

Sunday, April 17, 2011


It's Sunday also known as the day of RELAXATION. That is exactly what I am planning on doing for the rest of the night! This weekend was jam packed once again with cocktail on Friday and formal on Saturday. It was so much fun (minus the tornado warnings!) but I defiantly feel like I got no sleep. This is what I have planned for my relaxing Sunday night in..

  1. Yummy chicken quesadilla and guacamole for dinner
  2. A night full of TV! I rarely watch TV and therefore aren't hooked to many shows. There are a few however that have caught my attention. (Not all are on tonight but are worth mentioning anyway!)
Extreme Couponing- Has anyone seen this?? I am completely and
 utterly fascinated by these people! They can go to the grocery
store and buy hundreds of dollars worth of groceries but pay
 no more than 5 dollars out of pocket. Crazy!

Coming Home- I haven't checked this out yet
but have heard great things!
Extreme Makeover Home Edition- These are
 always so good (and emotional!)
 The Real Housewives of Orange County- one word= addicted
These girls are crazy!
Pregnant in Heels- I haven't checked this one out yet either
but have a feeling it will be a new favorite(:

3. Lastly I think do a little packing. I'm going home for
Easter this weekend and am planning on taking home all of
my winter clothes and what not that are taking up space in my closet!

I hope yall have a relaxing evening!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I just love reading everyones WILW post and decided to link up with Jamie and share what I am loving this Wednesday!

1. I'm loving first of all that it is Wednesday which means
the weekend is ALMOST here!!

2. I'm loving this monogram made of buttons!
I think this could be a DIY project

3. This picture I stumbled accross of a village in Rothenburg Germany.. how fun!

4. love love love this dress!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! My weekend was action packed and I have since then been getting caught up on school work. Thursday night was a one of my friends 21st birthdays and we had a blast celebrating!

like my catch?

Friday mom and her friend Linda (who is like a second mom to me) arrived in town. We had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant I had never been too. The weather was very nice so we got to sit outside where there was live music. So fun!

Saturday we woke up and spent the day shopping and going to a local festival downtown. We met the East bunny here(:

That night was where the real fun began! Another one of my friends turned 21 as well so I went to dinner with her and some friends. Afterwards Chairman of the Board was playing at the same restaurant so my mom, Linda and some more friends all joined up for a night full of dancing and singing along. It was the most fun I have had in a while! I even got called on stage at one point. I'll have to share stage pictures after I get them from a friend!

It was a great weekend and after spending all of Monday and today working on school work I am finally almost caught up and ready for another fun weekend -- Cocktail Friday and Formal Saturday. I can't wait!

I got a lot of comments about the cupcakes in the last post. My sister made them and they are super easy! Just white icing, large/small marshmallows, some sprinkles and eye candy or tubed icing! Let me know if anyone tries to make them!! Maybe we could all make something fun for Easter and I could display pictures? Just a thought.. have a wonderful afternoon!

Friday, April 8, 2011


It's finally Friday! I don't know about you but this has been one whirlwind of a week for me! There are major life decisions going on in my life right now so I am excited that my mom is coming to visit for the weekend! I have such bittersweet news! My mom bought herself and I Bob Seger tickets for the Saturday night before Easter Sunday. I was SUPER excited because we both love Bob Seger. However... I just found out my aunt and uncle are coming into town for Easter and me being the oh so sweet daughter I am have decided to let me aunt take my ticket so mom and her can have an outing together. So sad but I know they will enjoy it more. Since I will no longer be in attendance Saturday night I can instead focus on making Easter fun! Holiday meals at our house are always fun and festive. Here are a few pictures of our Easter last year..

I have some ideas of things I could do this year that I will post later! Let me know if you have any ideas of your own! Have a fun Friday!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

flattered thursday

Only one day until Friday! Okay so I still feel like a rookie blogger wondering what to write day to day and wondering who would even read my blog. To my surprise I found out yesterday I had been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by the lovely Amber! To say I am flattered is an understatement! Amber is engaged and adorable.. check her out!

The rules of the awards are as follows: 

1. Link back and thank the person who gave it to you. 
2. Share 7 things about yourself. 
3. Award 5 stylish blogs you read. 
4. Contact them and tell them about their award! 

And my seven facts:
1. I am in school majoring in Elementary Education
and honestly it is absolutly perfect for me!

2. I have a new obsession with nude shoes.
 Flats, heels, sandals.. I love them all!!

3. If I could have it my way I would wear
dresses and yoga pants EVERY day!

4.  Favorite Food= tomatoes!
Tomato sandwich ahh so good!

5. Sunshine and weather about 65 degrees is
an instant mood booster for me.. I really hate the cold

6. I splurge on jeans. I just can't find jeans that I am
comftorable in unless I resort to designer jeans
and comfort = a must

7. I make up for the splurge by visiting TJ Maxx, yes this
 store has adorable kitchen supplies, napkins, brand name hair
products, etc all at a reduced price. love love love!
And my blogging friends who I'm honoring with this award: 

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Six Spring Essentials

In love with Spring

I have been and still am so HAPPY that it is spring time!! I have come across a few spring essentials I would like to share!

1. Cropped Pants
It's too cold for shorts but too warm for pants? Cropped
pants to the rescue! I love mine in fun spring colors.. coral,
 pale yellow, Carolina blue, but navy goes with everything!

2. Similar to the cropped pants a cardigan is a must!
The weather is way too unpredictable and changes
 drastically from morning to night.

3. Strawberries are a springtime fruit- treat yourself
 to a fun dessert, or better yet make one! Southernliving
has some great recipes!

4. A Fun Dress
I'm currently trying to decide if I can live without this one? Thoughts?

5. Spring is such a pretty time of the year, take some time
to make yourself feel pretty. Paint your nails a fun color,
change your shade of blush to something a little "rosier",
get a new fragrance, anything will do!

6. Relax!!
Winter can be stressful and now that spring is finally here
it's time to relax and get ready for everything beautiful
spring has to offer. If you have never been to a
yoga class check one out! It's a great time to reflect
on what went well last season and goals for this season!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I wanna put on my my my my boogie shoes

There is one thing this girl always loves to do on a night out on the town... dance! There is nothing more fun than hitting the dance floor with the girls. One dance in the Carolina's dominates the rest however. That dance is shag dancing! It is a personal favorite of mine, who wouldn't love it with music such as "I love beach music and Summertime's a calling me." Basically anything by The Chairman of the Board, The Embers and The Temptations makes for a good shag song!

I especially love this melody by The Embers that touches on all of the best beach music songs! It makes me ready for summer right now!

I am particularly excited right now for two reasons. The boy has yet to learn the dance even though his grandparents are in the shagging hall of fame! He has however finally agreed to take some shagging lessons and I can't wait until the first time we can go out and try out some moves!! The second reason I am excited is because The Chairman of the Board is playing here this weekend and I have made plans with some girls and my mom who is coming into town to go dance the night away! Even though I love shagging I also love putting on my cowgirl boots and doing Copperhead road! What type of dance do you love?

Monday, April 4, 2011

ohhh Monday!

This girl is stressed to a whole new level. I have a million things running through my mind. So to deal with all of these crazy thoughts I think I will {attempt} a jog. Thanks to some helpful suggestions I recieved last week I am ready to start making jogging a regular thing in my day! I'll let ya know how it goes!  

Here are some pictures from Carolina Cup that I promised! A few people told me they went also, I hope you had fun! I would love to hear about it!

my favorite, how adorable is he?