
Friday, July 29, 2011

Lucky Lady!

So as you know, yesterday I headed to the beach to see Justin. I knew he would be at work when I got here and expected to lay my stuff down and head outside. Much to my surprise when I walked in I was greeted with streamers everywhere, 21 balloons, 21 candles, 21 coral roses and lilies, a huge card, a poster, a birthday cake, a crown AND a chilled bottle of wine. OMG, is this not the sweetest thing ever?!! Justin had snuck home on his lunch break and set all of this up. He must know the way to a girls heart! I can now say my birthday weekend/week got started in full force.

PLEASE ignore the non makeup-ed face!
I definitely wasn't expecting to see anyone!
The set up

These flowers are even more gorgeous in person.. I wish you could see them!

After his lunch break he had to head back to work so I spent the day relaxing. That night we went out to an amazing seafood restaurant and then took a walk on the beach. We ended the night by watching my favorite show Suits. It was the perfect day!

On another note. I'm a little frustrated! I have been to several stores trying to find sunscreen in the SPF I want. I CAN'T find an SPF under 30! WHAT?! I know I should protect my skin from the sun and use higher sunscreen protection but if a girl wants to tan, let her tan. I'm staying out of the tanning bed so please let me use my desired sunscreen! I always put 15 on my chest, 4 on my legs and 30 on my face. I'm in a dilema and not happy. [I have been mainly looking at grocery stores so I guess I will try a drug store next] Oh welllll, have a great day lovelies!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's Thursday

Hey ladies! It's Thursday and this is random! I don't know about you but Thursday is always one of my favorite days of the week! The weekend is SO close yet fun activities seem to begin. As we speak my weekend is beginning and I am off to the beach. Yipee! I have been waiting ALL summer for this beach trip and can not wait to let the fun begin!!

Hopefully this will be me all day/everyday

I have always been afraid that my hair would end up damaged since I use a pretty hot straightener on a daily bases. (on top of my hair dryer and the sun!) After I colored my hair for the first time last year I am now super scared my hair is going to end up in a dry frizzy mess. I do use Treseme heat protector spray before I dry my hair everyday, as well as a leave in conditioner. I came across some more hair advice though to hopefully protect my locks and am going to give them a try.

1. Rinse your hair with cold water before you hop out of the shower. They say it "
helps seal the cuticle, adding a sleek finish to your locks"

2. DON'T wrap your hair in a towel while you do your makeup. It just causes frizz!

3. Apply products 10 minutes before you style. This will let your strands get the full benefit or the product!

And lastly, just for fun! If you love the song Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show you might get a giggle out of this!

Thats all, have a lovely Thursday!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I just love this! I think it is so true

I have been so busy! It just hit me that I have to get everything ready for a week long beach trip but ALSO begin the tetious task of packing everything up for the move to the new house! I can already tell that the move in this heat is not going to be fun. I have gotten a few things together but am now going to put it on hold so I can enjoy the vacation and worry about it when I get back. I have had time to do a little relaxing though and have to tell you about the book I just read! It is very popular and you might have heard of it. Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo.

This is a quick read and definitly worth it. If you haven't read it yet you HAVE TO. It is about a four year old boy who during emergency surgery actually dies and goes to Heaven. He then returns to life and lives to tell his story of what he saw in Heaven. There is such an innocence about his story that is very eye opening. I have always been a Christian but after reading this book I have felt the urge to develop a stronger relationship with the Lord. I hope this book inspires you as it has me! Has anyone else read it? What were your thoughts?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Much To Look Forward To!

Bachelorette thoughts?! Hm, I don't know what to say! This entire season has been so dramatic. While I'm not really an Ashley, Ben or JP fan I still can't seem to not watch. I think I am more excited for the reunion of all the men on Sunday night than I am for the finale on Monday! Eeek! Okay, enough of reality T.V. I have a few things on my mind that are causing me to become WAY to excited, I can't focus on more important things. I can't wait to share about all the fun things in my near future!!

2 Days
Until I head to the beach to begin the Birthday Celebration!
I will be spending the weekend with Justin before I meet up with
my family and some friends! I can't wait!

6 Days
Until my 21st birthday. Am I excited?! Yes! Am I way TOO
excited?! Yes! I was talking to a friend today who told me she
thinks we have been waiting for this day since we were 16,
and now it's so close!

10 Days
Until I head to the Kenny Chesney concert thanks to the bff
Ashley! (The same one who made the above comment)

15 Days
Until I move into my FIRST house! I have lived in apartments
and the sorority house before but never my own house! (Still with a 
roommate though) I can't wait to see what this year
has to offer! I know it's going to be amazing!

Now do you see why I am so excited for the next two weeks?! Yay!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Recap

Relaxation was what my weekend was all about. Justin came into town on Friday night but he got here pretty late so we decided to stay in and watch a movie. I rented Limitless starring Bradley Cooper and it was so good! After the movie we called it an early night so we would be rested for Saturday. My birthday is in ONE week exactly so Justin decided to take me shopping for a new pair of cowgirl boots. I found a pair that I absolutely adore and can't wait to break in!

Afterwards we went furniture shopping. I need a new bedroom suit for my house I am moving in to in a few weeks. No luck finding anything but I really need to get on that! Furniture shopping turned a little stressful so we came home and relaxed on the deck with a few drinks listening to music. It was so much fun that we ended up staying out there for a couple hours and grilling out. We got together with some friends afterwards which is always fun as well. Sunday was spent relaxing alllll day until he had to go home. (so sad!)

I will be spending the rest of this week getting ready to leave for a week long beach trip. Thursday can NOT get here quick enough!! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What To Do, What To Do..

One word for today- stressed. Ever have those days? It's just one of those days where I have worried about absolutely everything! and by everything, I mean literally everything. But enough complaining because that isn't what this post is about! After my long day of nothing going right I came home took a shower and sat down to decide how I was going to chill out. It could be the second huge cup of coffee I have had, but I think I have discovered the best stress relief! I made a pot of coffee, cut on Britney Spears (yes, seriously!) and have been reading all of your blogs! I feel completely better and re-energized and I owe it all to yall! (and caffeine and Britney, ha) So thanks(: I am much happier than I was a few hours ago! I hope you have all had a fabulous day! and if not make some coffee, cut on Itunes and blog!

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I haven't done one of these in a while so I thought I would link up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for a What I'm Loving Wednesday post!

I'm loving mine and Ashley's new baseball intrest. The games are so much fun!

I'm loving the feeling of having a sparkling clean house!
(I spent all day yesterday cleaning)

I'm loving that my 21st birthday is only 11 days away!

I'm loving the movie the Lincoln Lawyer. Anything
 with Matthew McConaughey is a winner!

And lastly, I'm loving the fact that Ashley got me Kenny
Chesney tickets for my birthday! Best Friend ever!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shoe Obsession

Over the past year I have began racking up more and more shoes. Half way through my shoe buying spree I realized most of the shoes I'm buying fall into the nudetocamel category. I don't think I am the only one that has targeted these shoes because they keep popping up in more and more stores. I love these shoes because I think they go with everything and are timeless. This past fall I purchased a pair of nude Steve Madden flats and quickly decided that was the best purchase EVER! They go with literally everything. I have already worn them out and need to purchase another pair.

Now I'm thinking this post was a bad idea because I'm wanting to buy every single one of these shoes! What are your go to shoes? Have a great day!

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Monday But It's Okay!

I hope yall had a fabulous weekend! Mine was very good, but very tiring at the same time. On Friday I had to depart to Elon University for a weekend Teaching Fellow senior conference. The conference was very inspirational and I learned tons of tips in workshops that will help me in my classroom. The early mornings however were not well received and this girls is pooped. I picked up two things at the conference that I want to share with everyone! One of the workshops I went to was on stress relief and to my surprise it was a full two hour yoga session! I have never done yoga before but had always wanted to try it. It was AMAZING! So relaxing, when I left I seriously felt as if I didn't have a care in the world. I think I might join a yoga class now!

We defiantly didn't do anything this intense! 

The second thing I want to share is an amazing man I had a chance to meet and hear speak. Ron Clark is very well known for his contributions to education. He began teaching in North Carolina and was also a Teaching Fellow. He was placed in one of the lowest performing classes and after teaching for a year had them scoring about the gifted students. He then moved to Harlem and did the same thing there, really touching students lives. Since then he has written three books, been on Oprah several times, opened a school in Atlanta, GA called the Ron Clark Academy, and there is even a movie made about his story. The movie is wonderful and I cannot wait to read his newest book entitled The End of Molasses Classes. Here is a clip of what his school is all about and also a picture of him and I after getting my book autographed! There is so much more I could say about him other than his story. If you get a chance to watch the movie I would highly recommend it! He is very inspirational and passionate about the kids he teaches.

Friday, July 15, 2011

One Year

Happy Friday! This post is dedicated to the boy.

Happy One Year! It has been amazing. I can't wait to see you next weekend. Love you!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lady Like

I'm a little late but have recently jumped on the amazon bandwagon. I now have a wish list with a million things, mainly books, that I want/need!! I'm thinking a kindle will be one of the next investments! While browsing amazon I happened to come across tons of books about ettiqute, advice about life, money, eating and so much more. After browsing all of these I came across a book entitled "how to be a lady" and saw that there were several copies available. If you have used amazon before you probably know there is a price shown and then something like "49 new and 30 used copies available" all at different prices. Well I was shocked when I saw this little brand new hardback book for sale for FIFTY CENT. Yes, 5 dimes... half of a dollar, one gumball!! I figured whether this book was full of crap or actual usefull advice I would pay the three dollar shipping for a subtotal of less than five dollars and check it out. Well my book finally arrived and I am very pleased! Many things listed are common since but many others are actual usefull advice.

It's sometimes easy to forget to always mind your p & q's, especially in a time when everyone seems to be forgetting their manners. I haven't read the whole book as it's not something you really sit down and read in one sitting. More of little bits of advice throughout. Here are a few things listed:
"If a lady must excuse herself from the dinner
table, she simply says, "Excuse me." No
further explanation necessary"

"A lady leaves her cell phone at home if at all posible
when she is enjoying a night out on the town"

"A lady graciously accepts a compliment. She does
not downgrade herself as if she did not deserve
the admiration from the other person. She
simple responds with "Thank You."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I'm back from visiting Hilary in Charlottesville! We had such a fabulous time! This was my first visit to the area and I was shocked how pretty it was. I am determined to make another trip very soon! We had so much fun celebrating her birthday and I met tons of people. The food was also amazing everywhere we went! Here is a quick picture recap:

I'll catch ya later, have a great day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Best Friend Reunion

There are people who come in and out of your life for a reason. I am so fortunate to have had a good friend, Hilary come into mine even if it was for just one short year. I pledged with Hilary who would soon become one of my best friends. Unfortunately, she left me after that one year in ZTA together to move back to Charlottesville, VA where she is from and attend UVA. I'm so happy for her because that is a great school but I miss her like crazy!! She has visited a couple times and we have met up at events such as Carolina Cup. Her birthday is on Monday and I am going to visit her in Charlottesville this weekend. I'm so excited!! When Hilary and I get together it is ALWAYS fun and somtimes most of the time crazy.

We always say if we go out together with our boots on, on stage dancing is a guarantee

Yes, her crown does say UVGay although we don't really think that! haha
 Just so sad at her going away party because she was moving 4 hours away

told ya, boots on!

Hilary was my "twin" and this is us with Maghan our big!

I'm sure I will come home with many stories and a
smile on my face! I hope yall have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

So Many Things

So many things on my mind on this gorgeous Thursday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July! Mine was spent at the lake and it was a wonderful time. I unfortunately lost my camera. [Insert major sad face!!] It disappeared off the boat sometime in the midst of the firework show. At least my sister had hers so I do still have a few pictures to share!

Since July is here and my hectic school life is getting near it is time for me to begin studying for the GRE. This is the test you must take to be accepted into any graduate program which I hope to begin next fall. I am a little nervous about how I'm going to do on the test! I purchased a study book yesterday and the vocabulary seems as if it is going to be quite difficult. Has anyone taken this test? Any words of advice??

On another note- I am not going to say much but.. Casey Anthony? I am very bothered that she was found not guilty and could only spend a month in jail.

Since it is Thursday I want to tell you all about my new favorite show! It is called Suits and is on USA. There have only been two episodes so far but I am hooked! Have any of you seen it? It's about an extremely smart guy who has never been to law school but just got hired in a law firm. It's a great show, you should check it out!