Another pregnancy update... I can't believe how fast time is flying! You can read week 23 here.
How far along?
25/26 weeks
Size of baby?
About 14 inches and 1.68 pounds
About 14 inches and 1.68 pounds
All the time and I love it! Always in the evening after I eat and am relaxing but during the day as well. It's my favorite when I'm at school and feel her. (:
Heartburn, allllll the heartburn/indigestion and it has been terrible. I finally called my doctor because it was getting so bad and got the go ahead for some medication and it has made a world of difference. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
...when you start carrying around Tums #pregoproblems
Sleeping much better since I got my snuggle! If I get out of bed for even a minute Henson or Justin always try to steal it.
Sleeping much better since I got my snuggle! If I get out of bed for even a minute Henson or Justin always try to steal it.
all girl!
all girl!
Weight gain?
15 pounds
15 pounds
Sweets and just food in general. I pretty much always feel like I need a snack. I'm keeping lots of apples, carrots and hummus on hand for some healthy options.
Sweets and just food in general. I pretty much always feel like I need a snack. I'm keeping lots of apples, carrots and hummus on hand for some healthy options.
Maternity clothes?
No new purchases since my last post. Alternating between leggings/dresses, 1 pair of Paige maternity jeans, and one pair of maternity work pants. I did have to buy a maternity dress for a wedding I was in last weekend but was able to make a looser fitting non maternity dress work for the rehearsal dinner.
No new purchases since my last post. Alternating between leggings/dresses, 1 pair of Paige maternity jeans, and one pair of maternity work pants. I did have to buy a maternity dress for a wedding I was in last weekend but was able to make a looser fitting non maternity dress work for the rehearsal dinner.
Still hasn't felt the little pea move. He is so excited and so sweet! He kisses her buy and goodnight all the time.
Still hasn't felt the little pea move. He is so excited and so sweet! He kisses her buy and goodnight all the time.
We're at a standstill for now.. We are purchasing the new flooring for her room next weekend.
We're at a standstill for now.. We are purchasing the new flooring for her room next weekend.
Best part of the week?
Hitting the less than 100 day countdown and the wedding we attended!
Hitting the less than 100 day countdown and the wedding we attended!
Looking forward to?
I am about to drive to my glucose test appointment as I hit publish on this post. I'm looking forward to having that over with and praying I pass! I am also looking forward to getting the nursery floors down and starting my third trimester. It's getting real!